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自儿1948午 B。rb,。和 schmitt第一大提出在野外家蚬村DDT P生抗性的问题后,相级地又大规其他昆虫财DDT中生拚性的现象。尖于抗性的形成,一般积大主要是由于在DDT的脱氧化氢丑的影吨下,DDT被破坏力DDE的解毒佗用所致,儿送种解释出箅,引异了人们去寻找某些增效物原以阻止脱氯化氢醇的解毒佗用来解决抗性问题。 WARF是一种较熟悉的有效的反DDT抗性剜,其化拳名大N,N,21M-一基耐氯苯磺酥胺,它可以与DDT e制成商品可侃性粉,荆,亦可以与除虫菊、正现混台配制成洗液,其商品名方‘Pramex)’。纺液的配方力DDT--3.75%,反DDT ti性剜一D.75%,除虫菊一0.02%,五佩一0.16蛄。2配方会于1961年在Ne。Jer。ey的某奶牛场中迸行试验,该奶牛场由于拉去使用迂DDT及其他氯化灿子虫茨剜,坐地的家蚬具有相坐高的抗箱性,在 室内,法些家蚬暴露在1毫 B. 1948 B. rb ,. And schmitt’s first major issue of DDT resistance in the wild family farms, the phase of the earth and other insects rich DDT adolescent joke phenomenon. The formation of resistance in general is mainly due to DDT DDT deoxydation of ugly ton, DDT destructive DDE detoxification caused by the use of children to explain the kind of delivery, cited the people to find Some of the enhancers were originally designed to stop the detoxification of dehydrochlorohydrin to address resistance issues. WARF is a more familiar and effective anti-DDT resistance, which can be used with DDT e to make products such as powdered konjac, powdered konjac, Can also be together with pyrethrum, is now mixed with Taiwan formulated as a lotion, the brand name ’Pramex)’. The spinning solution formula DDT - 3.75%, anti-DDT ti a 75 D.75%, pyrethrum 0.02%, Pei Pei a 0.16 蛄. 2 Formula will be in 1961 in Ne. Jer. ey in a trial of a dairy farm, the dairy farm as a result of the use of DDT and other chlorpyrifos Zizhu, sit in the home with high resistance to the box, indoors, At 1 millisecond
杨梢叶虫(Parnops glasunowi Jacobs.)在我国最早的记载是在1935年(陈世骧,前中央研究院动植物研究所丛刊第6卷第3期),对此虫的成虫形态做了概要的描述。据知,到目前国内外
AIM: To study the effects of magnolol and honokiol on isolated smooth muscle of gastrointestinal tract and their relationship with Ca2+, and on the gastric empt
Tissue culture,biochemical techniques and radioimmunoassay were used to study the effects of CompoundLian Zhu Capsule (复方连竹胶囊) on micrangium lesions in d
日本科学家从一种放线菌——千叶链霉菌(Streptomyces chibaensis)的培养液中提取一种抗菌素叫做纤维西定(cellocidin)。它可以治疗水稻的白叶枯病。以10ppm对水稻白叶枯病