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  杭州高级中学 陆乃钏
  衢州第二中学 潘志强 吴霞霞
  第 I 卷 (共 100 分)
  第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分 50 分)
  第一节: 单项填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)
  1. According to recent reports, one of the rare animals, ________ crocodile, is in ________ danger of dying out.
  A. a; the B. 不填; a C. 不填; the D. the; 不填
  2. The number of the photo copiers they produced this year has increased ________ 30% compared with _________ of last year.
  A. by; that B. to; those C. with; ones D. of; it
  3. — Is Mike a diligent student?
  — No, but he is a lazy one, if ________.
  A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing
  4. Such ________ the case, it is quite possible that they might have different understandings even on the same subject matter.
  A. being B. is C. was D. be
  5. In preparing scientific reports of laboratory experiments, you should _______ your findings in logical order and clear language.
  A. write B. raise C. present D. put
  6. Yang Liwei, China’s first spaceman, prepared carefully for going to space so that he could be sure of success at his first _________.
  A. ambition B. flight C. attempt D. campaign
  7. The first English window was cut long so that it would ________ as much light as possible.
  A. come in B. break in C. fill in D. let in
  8. The magazine is a(n) ________ number. You can take it out of the reading-room.
  A. back B. past C. old D. former
  9. With a lot of difficult problems _________, the newly-elected president is having a hard time.
  A. settled B. settling C. to settle D. being settled
  10. During the test we were supposed to stay in our seats, keep our eyes on our work, ________ to anyone.
  A. and not speak B. instead of speaking
  C. rather than speak D. but could not talk
  11. You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is _________ I disagree.
  A. the place B. what C. the place which D. where
  12. I don’t remember how many years ago _________ I last showed you around the factory.
  A. it was that B. was it that C. it was when D. was it when
  13. — I saw Dave in the lift this morning.
  — Really? He _________ around here for a long time.
  A. won’t be seen B. wasn’t seen
  C. hasn’t been seen D. hadn’t been seen
  14. Owing to more and more students, the teaching building of the international school __________ for one more time.
  A. has been added to B. has added to
  C. has been added up to D. has added up to
  15. There is no experience you can have __________ is not the result of activities of your brain, your mind and consciousness.
  A. what B. that C. it D. this
  16. — Well, when can I come for my bike?
  — It __________ be ready in half an hour.
  A. must B. should C. can D. might
  17. — Do you think the weather is good enough for a picnic?
  — Yes. You couldn’t hope for ___________ at this time of year.
  A. a nice day B. the nicer day C. the nicest day D. a nicer day
  18. To have a large collection of good stamps, you should often go to stamp sales and buy __________ you can afford.
  A. however B. whatever C. no matter what D. whichever
  19. The more one is __________ the English-speaking environment, the better he or she will learn the language.
  A. filled in B. exposed to C. caught on D. kept up
  20. — How could you say that?
  — _______. I didn’t mean to hurt you.
  A. Excuse me B. That’s all right C. I’m really sorry D. I won’t regret
  第二节: 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)
  A farmer had some puppies, i.e. baby dogs, he needed to sell. He painted a sign advertising the pups and 21 about nailing it to a post on the edge of his yard. As he was 22the last nail into the post, he felt a tug(拖拽) on his overalls. He looked down
   23the eyes of a little boy.
  “Mister,” he said, “I want to buy one of your puppies.”
  “Well,” said the farmer, as he rubbed the sweat off the 24of his neck, “these puppies come from fine parents and cost a good 25of money.”
  The boy 26his head for a moment. Then 27deep into his pocket, he pulled out a handful of change and held it up to the farmer. “I have got thirty-nine cents. Is that enough to take a look?”
  “Sure,” said the farmer.
  And with that he let out a 28. “Here, Dolly!” he called.
  Out from the doghouse and down the ramp(斜坡) ran Dolly 29by four little balls of fur. The little boy pressed his face against the chain link fence. His eyes 30with delight.
  As the dogs 31their way to the fence, the little boy noticed something else stirring 32the doghouse. Slowly another little 33appeared; this one noticeably
   34. Down the ramp it slid. Then in a somewhat awkward manner the little pup began hobbling toward the others, doing its best to 35 up.
  “I want that one,” the little boy said, pointing to the runt(比较矮小的动物).
  The farmer knelt down at the boy’s side and said, “Son, you 36want that puppy. He will never be able to 37and play with you like these other dogs would.”
  With that the little boy stepped back from the 38 , reached down and began rolling up one leg of his trousers. In doing so he revealed a steel brace running down both sides of his leg 39 itself to a specially made shoe. Looking back up at the farmer, he said, “You see, sir, I don’t run too well myself, and he will need someone who 40 .”
  Actually our world is full of people who need someone who understands.
  21. A. got B. set C. cared D. talked
  22. A. lifting B. kicking C. putting D. driving
  23. A. upon B. into C. on D. over
  24. A. back B. face C. skin D. surface
  25. A. deal B. quality C. much D. lots
  26. A. nodded B. raised C. dropped D. shook
  27. A. reaching B. touching C. pointed D. leaned
  28. A. scream B. noise C. whistle D. cry
  29. A. followed B. led C. surrounded D. chased
  30. A. fixed B. danced C. moved D. turned
  31. A. felt B. pushed C. made D. discovered
  32. A. inside B. outside C. beside D. nearby
  33. A. boy B. ball C. thing D. head
  34. A. smaller B. bigger C. smarter D. healthier
  35. A. do B. catch C. keep D. fall
  36. A. oughtn’t B. can’t C. don’t D. shouldn’t
  37. A. laugh B. run C. jump D. smile
  38. A. farmer B. wall C. doghouse D. fence
  39. A. attaching B. relating C. devoting D. sticking
  40. A. agrees B. feels C. understands D. shows
  第二部分:阅读理解 (第一节 20 小题, 第二节 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 50 分)
  Venus is known as the Earth’s“twin” because the two planets are so like each other in size. The diameter(直径) of Venus is about 7,520 miles(12,100 km), about 400 miles(644 km) smaller than that of the earth. No other planet comes closer to the earth than Venus. At its nearest approach(接近) it is about 25,000,000 miles (40, 200, 000 km) away.
  As seen from the earth, Venus is the first planet or star that can be seen in the western sky in the evening. At other times, it is the last planet or star that can be seen in the eastern sky in the morning. When Venus is near its brightest point, it can be seen in daylight. Early astronomers(天文学家) called the object that appeared in the morning Phosphorus, and the object that appeared in the evening Hesperus. Later, they realized these two objects were the same planet. They named it Venus in honor of the Roman goddess of love and beauty.
  41. If you travelled around Venus in a straight way, the longest trip would be ___ miles or so.
  A. 24, 896 B. 37, 994 C. 23, 613 D. 25, 000, 000
  42. Which of the following is NOT a fact about Venus?
  A. It’s usually 25, 000, 000 miles away from the earth.
  B. It’s the nearest neighboring planet of the earth.
  C. It used to be called Phosphorus and Hesperus.
  D. It can sometimes be seen together with the sun in the sky.
  43. The text tells us that ___________.
  A. Venus is always the first to appear in the sky in the evening
  B. Venus is sometimes the last to appear in the sky in the morning
  C. Venus is sometimes the last to disappear in the western sky in the morning
  D. the diameter of the earth is nearly eight thousand miles
  44. Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?
  A. Venus — the Earth’s “Twin” B. The Size of the Venus
  C. Venus and the Earth D. The Nearest Neighbor
  WASHINGTON: Children traumatized(使……精神创伤) by Hurricane Katrina may face lasting psychological problems that, in later life, could tip some of them into depression(抑郁), risky behavior, experts say.
  Around a million people moved from Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi because of the August 29 storm, and the children among them have become the target of the shock.
  Some saw loved-ones drown in the floods of New Orleans and lost their most valuable possessions or pets. Others were separated from their families in the flood.They may have suffered extreme thirst and hunger, seen gunmen and witnessed acts of unspeakable violence in the city. Now thrown in with relatives to shelters in distant states and dependent on handouts(施舍) from strangers, many of these children have been put into a future of uncertainty.
  All the points on a child’s emotional compass have disappeared, leaving him to spin around, directionless.
  “Children are a particularly high risk group because they don’t have a full understanding about what’s happening,” said Robin Gurwitch, a member of the American Psychological Association(APA) and a specialist in helping child victims of disasters.
  Many Katrina kids are likely to suffer anxiety about safety, problems in sleeping, nightmares, she said.
  A study of 175 children aged three to five years, from black and black backgrounds, who had survived Hurricane Andrew in southern Florida in 1992 found that many were affected by the experience. A year after the event, 16.5 per cent had the symptoms(症状) ofpsychologicalproblems, and at 18 months, this figure had fallen only slightly, to 11.6 per cent.
  Another Hurricane Andrew study — this time among 550 children of school age — found that 30 per cent had moderate to severe levels of psychological problems, a year afterwards.
  Those who had been most physically under threat, who had lost their homes or possession and who were forced to move were most at risk.
  Experience with previous disasters in the United States, such as the bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building in 1995 and the 9/11 terror attacks has helped US specialists plan a phased (阶段性的) approach for traumatized children.
  Early and practical help is vital(不可缺少的).
  This means reuniting children with their families, providing them with a secure if temporary shelter, enabling them to contact their friends and getting them into school, said Courtland Robinson, assistant professor at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
  Parents, too, can play a vital role by talking to children about their experiences, preparing them for a new school and restricting access to TV news that play images of the hurricane again and again and thus reinforce a youngster’s fears, said Gurwitch.
  The second, later phase is psychological therapy for those who are clearly failing to cope.
  John Fairbank, co-director of the National Centre for Child Traumatic Stress, said front-line people such as family doctors, neighborhood police and teachers can be encouraged to help children who are in difficulties and can be referred for such help.
  45. What is the meaning of the line “All the points on a child’s emotional compass have disappeared”?
  A. The children are lost and cannot find their families.
  B. The children lost their compasses in the storm.
  C. The children are confused and do not know what to feel.
  D. The children’s compasses are broken.
  46. Which could be the best title to the article?
  A. Hurricane Katrina destroys New Orleans.
  B. Children traumatized by hurricane Katrina.
  C. Violence in New Orleans.
  D. Hurricane Katrina’s long-term psychological impacts.
  47. How do psychologists know that the children are likely to be traumatized?
  A. They are making an educated guess.
  B. Because of experience with previous disasters in the United States, such as the 9/11 terror attacks.
  C. Because they have studied them and found that they have the symptoms of psychological problems.
  D. Because of studies conducted on child victims of former hurricanes.
  48. What is most helpful to these children?
  A. Being quickly reunited with their families in a secure shelter.
  B. Being provided with therapy.
  C. Being showed video footage of the hurricane.
  D. Being helped by front-line people such as family doctors, police, and teachers.
  The use of the wordimitation (模仿) reminds me that we ought to make some more comments on the risk of people imitating what they see on the screen in the way ofcrime (犯罪) or violence. First there was always a risk of children acting out scenes which could be dangerous. For example, I remember a woman who was head of a middle school telling me that she had happened to look out of her window when the children were on the playground and had seen them putting a small boy on a chair with a rope round his neck and the rope over the branch of a tree; fortunately she was in time to get there before the child was hung. I remember a film in particular in which the hero who was imprisoned had escaped by electrocuting(通电触死) his guard, the technique of doing this being shown in detail. This was the kind of scene which we could cut for these reasons.
  In films for young people and adults we always tried to keep off the screen any details of criminal techniques, such as how to open a locked door with a piece of hard plastic or how to open a safe; if we were consulted (请教) before production, I used to advise that the details should not be shown. When I gave talks in prisons about film checking I had full support for this, since fathers who were in prison for criminal offences did not want their children to get on crime.
  Every time I gave a talk in a prison someone used to mention the French film Rififi made by Jules Dassin in 1954. This remarkable film showed in great detail a robbery of a jeweler’s shop, the robbery lasting about half an hour and being backed only by natural sound — one of the most brilliant film sequences (连续镜头) of all time. I remember our discussions at the time. We thought that the robbery was finished only with the use of advanced and obviously expensive equipment and that only the most experienced and skilled criminals could possibly imitate it; we believed therefore that it was relatively safe. When talking in prisons some years later I learned that there had been several robberies in which the techniques had been copied, so perhaps we were wrong.
  49. The writer thinks that________________ .
  A. the details of the criminal technique should be kept
  B. the details of the crime should not be shown on the screen
  C. children should not imitate what they saw on the screen
  D. it was dangerous to imitate what they had seen on the screen
  50. What was the writer’s attitude towards the film in which the hero had escaped by electrocuting the guard?
  A. The writer kept the same opinion.
  B. The writer was strongly against it.
  C. The writer thought the film had some value.
  D. The writer did not show his/her attitude.
  51. Parents in prison agreed to film checking because_____________.
  A. they did not want their children to follow them
  B. the crime on screen could be imitated without difficulty
  C. they had given a talk on it
  D. they had made mistakes
  52. All the following statements about “Rif if i” are true EXCEPT___________.
  A. that the robbery shown needs experience and skills
  B. that some very good tools were used in the robbery
  C. that the film showed the technique in detail
  D. that the technique of the robbery was not imitated
  53. It can be inferred from the passage that______________.
  A. it is hard for the children to tell the differences between real life and the imaginary
  B. only the people in prison supported film checking
  C. only children imitated what they had seen on the screen
  D. the writer used to advise the details of crime should be shown
  SYDNEY: Mother of two, Jillian Searle, had to choose between her children when she made a life-or-death decision.
  Swept up by mountainous tsunami (海啸) waves at a Thai resort (旅游胜地), she could not hold on to both her young sons and survive. Fighting to stay above the waters, she had to choose which one would have to take his chances in the swirling torrent (漩流).
  “I knew I had to let go of one of them and I just thought I’d better let go of the one that’s the older,” she told Sky News television in a report broadcast on Thursday. She said she was accompanied by the two boys, Lachie, 5, and two-year-old Blake, and their father, Brad, who had watched the drama helplessly from their first-floor hotel room, when the waves struck. “And I was screaming, trying to find him, and we thought he was dead,” she told reporters on arrival back in Australia. Lachie was found alive about 2 hours later clinging to a door and, looked uninjured as his mother spoke to reporters.
  British surfer Martin Markwell is also a lucky man. He had always dreamed of catching that perfect wave — but when it finally came along, it was a night-mare. He was on his surfboard when he was swept up by a tsunami wave.
  “It was really terrible because I was surfing, I was really surfing on a wave I wasn’t supposed to be on,” he said. “As an experienced surfer, when I saw the wave come I realized something was wrong, but I couldn’t escape because my surfboard was tied to my ankle.”
  His wife Vicki and son Jake looked on in horror from a hotel balcony as he crashed towards the shore. Luckily, he stayed on top of his board until he reached the hotel, jumped off and got to safety as the ocean rolled back to feed a much larger tsunami wave on its way. The family regrouped and ran to safety just minutes before a giant tsunami wave 10 metres high.
  54. When the waves struck, the father Brad_____________.
  A. reported the disaster to Sky News television
  B. was watching a drama play on TV in the hotel
  C. tried to find his son lost in the waters
  D. watched things going on, unable to do anything
  55. The underlined word “him” in Paragraph 3 refers to___________.
  A. an old man B. Lachie C. Brad D. Blake
  56. Which of the following is WRONG?
  A. Lachie and Martin were both with their family members when the disaster happened.
  B. Lachie and Martin both survived from the high waves when tsunami struck.
  C. Lachie and Martin were both travelers from Europe on holiday in Thailand.
  D. Lachie and Martin were both alive owing to their good luck.
  57. The best title of this news story would be______________.
  A. Narrow Escape B. Disaster Caused by Tsunami
  C. Exciting Surfing Experience D. Struggle Against Tsunami
  Considered as a continuous body of fluid, the atmosphere is another kind of ocean. Yet, in view of the total amount of rain and snow on land areas in the course of a year, one of the most amazing water facts is the very small amount of water in the atmosphere at any given time. The volume of the lower seven miles of the atmosphere, where weather events take place, is roughly four times the volume of the world’soceans. But the atmosphere contains very little water. It is chiefly in the form of vapor, some of which is carried over land by air currents. If all vapor suddenly fell from the air onto the earth’ssurface, it would form a layer only about one inch thick. A heavy rainstorm on a given area may use up only a small percentage of the water from the air mass that passes over. How, then, can some land areas receive more than 400 inches of rain per year? How can several inches of rain fall during a single storm in a few minutes or hours? The answer is that rain-producing air masses are always moving, and as the driving air mass moves on, new damp air takes its place.
  The basic source of most water vapor is the ocean. Evaporation(蒸发), vapor transport, and rainfall make up the continuous movement of water from ocean to atmosphere to land and back to the sea. Rivers return water to the sea. In the underground, flowing bodies of water send out some water directly into rivers and some directly to the sea.
  58. What might have been discussed in the preceding (前面的) paragraph?
  A. The ocean. B. The earth. C. The rainfall. D. The atmosphere.
  59. It can be inferred from the passage that ________
  A. the atmosphere has a lot of water in it when it goes around
  B. the water in the atmosphere is purer than that in the world’s oceans
  C. the amount of water in the atmosphere is greater than that in the oceans in the world
  D. the small amount of water in the atmosphere plays an important part in the rainfall on the earth
  60. Which fact does this passage lead us to believe?
  A. The volume of the atmosphere is four times that of the world’soceans.
  B. The water in the oceans is the main source of rain and snow on land areas.
  C. The atmosphere is mainly made up of the vapor carried over land by air currents.
  D. The earth cannot support the water in the atmosphere if it falls down onto the earth suddenly.
  第二节:阅读下列材料, 从所给的六个选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中,选出符合各小题要求的最佳选项, 选项中有一项为多余项。
  Here are five letters from job applicants listed in 61—65. All the greetings and signatures are left out. Suppose you are a secretary of a labor exchange, for each one to find a suitable job from A—F. Mark the correct letter(A—F) on your answer sheet. There is one extra career opportunity which you don’t need to use.
  61. _______________ Sam is a 65 years old workaholic who has spent his entire life in manual labor. He has recently retired, but is bored with his life and wants some simple work to occupy his time. He is too physically unsound to continue his old factory job.
  62. _______________ Brittany recently finished her undergraduate degree in world history, and is moving on to do her Honors and hopefully Masters. She islooking for a job close to her accommodation and/or university to help her with her rent.
  63. _______________ Susan is an experienced secretary who has been working for a major firm for three and a half years. The firm recently made her redundant due to corporate downsizing and she is now searching for another job to start as soon as possible.
  64. _______________ Simon has been working at a local supermarket for four years, moving his way up the corporate ladder. Originally a part-time shelf-stacker, he moved to the cold meat department, where he was made department assistant manager and then department manager. Now he finds himself unable to advance due to all positions above him being filled with older, more experienced managers already, and hopes if he changes companies he may have more advancement opportunities.
  65. _______________ Joe is in his final year of high school and looking for a part time job to save money for a car. He is motivated but inexperienced, and has quite a lot of schoolwork, plus of course normal school hours.
  A. Applicants(申请者) should have at least 2 year’s experience and be able to type 60 words a minute. No computer skills required. Apply in person at United Business Ltd, 17 Browning Street, Leeds.
  B. We require three part-time shop assistants to work during the evening. No experience required, applicants should be between 18 and 26 years old. Call 0115-765643 for more information.
  C. Hania’s Playschool needs 2 young teaching assistants to help with classes from 9 am to 3 pm. Applicants should have references. For more information please visit www.haniaplayschool. co.uk.
  D. We are looking for retired adults who would like to work part time on weekends for Rubberlast Group Ltd. Duties include answering the telephone and giving customers information. For more information call us at 0113-6741326.
  E. The University of Bristol is looking for 4 teaching assistants to help with homework correction. Applications should have a degree in one of the following: Political Science, English, Economics or History. Please call the University of Bristol for more information.
  F. We are looking for someone who has excellent customer care, communication skills, a sales background with at least one year’s experience and is a good team player with creative ideas. In return we offer a starting salary of £20,000 and 25 days paid holiday per year. For more information please call Direct Delivery Team of Yorkshire Post on 0113-2388325 or 0133-2388318.
  第 II 卷 (共 50 分)
  第三部分:写作 (共三节,满分 50 分)
  第一节:单词拼写 (共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)
  66. The blacks want to be treated as e___________ as the whites in South Africa.
  67. The castle was s________by many green trees, so it must be cool in summer.
  68. It’s bad m ________for you to speak with your mouth full.
  69. Mary says some animals have more than two s___________ to digest food. Is that true?
  70. He tried his best to e___________to his son the real reason why his mother had left home for good.
  71. France is a E __________ country with a history of hundreds of years.
  72. The movie was boring fromb______to end.
  73. J___________from his accent, the new student is from northern China.
  74. It makes no d_________whether he will stay or leave.
  75. Paul’s nota __________at present. Should I ask him to call you back?
  第二节:短文改错(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)
  Mr. Smith was a biology professor, but he had a lot 76. ________
  of animal bones that he was very proud. Then one 77. ________
  year when he managed to get a better job at another 78. ________
  university. As he was busy at the work, his wife asked 79. ________
  three men to remove all their things to the new house. 80. ________
  One of them was just about throw a large box into the 81. ________
  truck with all the other things as Mrs. Smith ran out 82. ________
  and said, “Please treat the box gentle. It is full of 83. ________
  my husband’s bones.” Heard this, the man was so 84. ________
  surprising that he nearly dropped it on his feet. 85. ________
  第三节:书面表达 (满分 30 分)
  1. 听、说、读、写中, 听是基础;
  2. 没有听力,英语考试是不全面的;
  3. ……
  注意:1. 短文中应包括上述1、2两个要点,并适当增加自己的意见;
  2. 词数120 左右;文章开头和结尾已给出(不计入总词数)。
  Dear editor,
  With the development of economy, it’s more and more important to have a good command of English. ____________________________________________________
  Yours sincerely,
  Li Ming
And with this prize that I have received as a Prize of Peace, I am going to try to make the home for many people who have no home. Because I believe that love begins at home, and if we can create a ho
安德鲁·约瑟夫森永远忘不了去年夏天,自己心跳突然加快的那一瞬间。  清扫家中地下室时,安德鲁在角落里发现了一个蒙了厚厚一层灰的红色盒子。打开盒子,他看见三张CD,还有一本小册子。CD的封皮上写着“心音与心脏杂音”,落款是丹尼尔·梅森。小册子的纸张已经发黄,但字迹仍清晰可辨,对CD上出现的125种不同的心跳声音做了详细解释。  安德鲁眼前又浮现出了外祖父梅森医生的身影。外祖父生前非常热爱生活和家人,
在海边散步的人们经常会发现岸边一团团的海藻。在海藻生长高峰期,青岛、威海、大连等沿海城市,一个大型海滨浴场每天要清理掉几十吨海藻。其实,别以为这些清理出来的海藻只会煞风景,海藻也有它的利用价值,可以变废为宝。一些科学家正在利用某些藻类生产生物质燃料。在他们看来,藻类非但不是垃圾,还是一种大有潜力的未来绿色能源。什么是微藻?  用于生产生物质燃料的藻类主要是微藻,广泛分布于全球的海水和淡水中。微藻并
只限一人  百货公司门口有一台语音报数的电子秤。  一位胖女士抱怨:“我最恨这台秤了!”  “为什么?因为它会当众报出你的体重?”  “不,比这还糟!”胖女士愤怒地说,“它每次都大声叫:‘一次只限一人!’”    查票  教授搭乘火车旅行。中途,列车长前来查票,教授竟找不到票,他急得满头大汗。  列车长:“找不到就算了,再补张票好了。”  教授:“这怎么可以,找不到那张票,我就不知道我要去哪里!”
2016年4月30日,艺术界失去了一位先驱人物——法籍委内瑞拉裔女艺术家玛丽索尔·埃斯科瓦尔(Marisol Escobar)在和阿尔茨海默症斗争多年后于纽约的一家医院中与世长辞,享年85岁。这位雕塑大师曾自诩生来就注定成为艺术家,其与生俱来的艺术天赋以及独特的艺术感悟力和创造力,在融合流行艺术和民俗历史的开创性尝试中得以证实,这也奠定了她在雕塑圈的先锋地位。玛丽索尔以四四方方的拼接雕塑作品闻名,
波斯尼亚与黑塞哥维那共和国,简称“波黑”,其首都萨拉热窝是个文化大熔炉,有三个民族、四大宗教,在那里奥斯曼帝国的风韵犹存,奥匈帝国的荣光尚在,可谓是巴尔干半岛八国首都中最富有情趣的。  12世纪末,斯拉夫人在巴尔干半岛建立波斯尼亚公国。1463年,奥斯曼帝国用宗教传播、武力攻入,占领该地;1878年又被奥匈帝国占领,东西方文明的精神内涵在这里交汇,不同宗教的文化血脉在这里流淌。今天,波黑三百多万国
粗心的爸爸    上器乐课时,罗伯特打开了自己的琴盒。老师一看惊讶极了:“你怎么把自动步枪带到教室里来了?”  罗伯特一拍脑袋:“天哪,爸爸准是带着我的小提琴去上班了!”  (水青供稿)    打针    老张去医院打针,好多人在注射室门口排队。他等得心急,就走到注射室门口张望,听到里面有人说:“今天是你们实习的最后一天,大家来个考核。”  老张吓了一跳,实习护士打针可没有准头的,还是躲一下吧! 
《海豚湾》:是该反思捕鲸行动    2010年3月,第82届奥斯卡金像奖揭晓,真实记录日本小渔村捕杀海豚行为的《海豚湾》获得最佳纪录长片奖。这在全球范围内引起对日本捕鲸行动的新一轮声讨。  国际捕鲸委员会自1986年起禁止商业捕鲸活动,但每逢南极洲夏季,日本就会以“科研”名义出动捕鲸队,前往捕杀数以百计的鲸鱼。对于日本的捕鲸行为,国际社会一直争议不绝,这还触发了日本和澳大利亚的一场外交风波。澳大利