
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:datang0826
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The purpose of this study was to determine the effects that vitreous presentation (VP) during extracapsular cataract surgery has on patients’ 1- year postoperative vision. The study was a prospective, long- term, clinical trial. The study took place at 19 Department of Veterans Affairs medical centers. Patients having VP during cataract surgery and receiving a posterior chamber (PC) intraocular lens (IOL) (230 patients) were prospectively compared with a 5% random sample of nonvitreous presentation (NVP) cataract surgery patients (521 patients). Best- corrected visual acuity (BCVA) at 1 year was obtained by a masked, certified examiner. There was no statistical difference (P=.089) between the VP patients receiving PC IOL and the NVP patients in percentage of patients having BCVA of 20/40 or better at 1 year (91.1% vs 94.9% ). There were significantly more PC IOL VP patients than NVP patients with BCVA of 20/50 or worse at some time during the first postoperative year (21.6% vs 10.9% ; P=.000 3), significantly fewer with BCVA of 20/20 or better at 1 year (27.8% vs 38.8% ; P=.013), and significantly more with cystoid macular edema (11.5% vs 3.6% ; P=.0002), retinal detachment (4.3% vs 0.2% ; P=.0002), and uveitis (3.4% vs 0.6% ; P=.012). The NVP patients rated their vision as very good or excellent significantly more often than the VP patients (71% vs 58% ; P=.025). Vitreous presentation during extracapsular cataract surgery leads to somewhat worse overall outcomes in patients, although the majority of patients with VP do reasonably well. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects that vitreous presentation (VP) during extracapsular cataract surgery has on patients’ 1-year postoperative vision. The study was a prospective, long- term, clinical trial. The study took place at 19 Department of Veterans Affairs medical centers. Patients having VP during cataract surgery and receiving a posterior chamber (PC) intraocular lens (IOL) (230 patients) were prospectively compared with a 5% random sample of nonvitreous presentation (NVP) cataract surgery patients There was no statistical difference (P = .089) between the VP patients receiving PC IOL and the NVP patients in percentage of patients having BCVA of 20/40 or better at 1 year (91.1% vs 94.9%). There were significantly more PC IOL VP patients than NVP patients with BCVA of 20/50 or worse at some time during the first postoperative year (21.6% vs 10.9%; P = .000 3), significantly fewer with BCVA of 20/20 or better at 1 year (27.8% vs 38.8%; P = .013), and significantly more with cystoid macular edema (11.5% vs 3.6% .0002), retinal detachment (4.3% vs 0.2%; P = .0002), and uveitis (3.4% vs 0.6%; P = .012). The NVP patients rated their vision as very good or excellent significantly more often than the VP patients (71% vs 58%; P = .025). Vitreous presentation during extracapsular cataract surgery leads to somewhat worse overall outcomes in patients, although the majority of patients with VP do reasonably well.
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Autocorrelation is prevalent in continuous production processes,such as the processes in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries.With the development of meas
苏教版必修四72页习题三提到:刘熙载在《艺概》中说,点就是点名明情感;染就是景物渲染、烘托这种情感,他指出,《雨霖铃》成功地运用了点染的手法。  点染本是国画技法,用笔将主要线条和轮廓勾勒出来叫点,用笔点缀景物,将背景着色晕染叫染,画家泼墨挥毫,时点时染,交互使用,相得益彰,创作出意境优美的画面。而古典诗词和国画有相通之处,后来的词人将国画点染的技法不自觉运用到词的创作中来,就有了刘熙载用点染评点