
来源 :经济林研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:songsdfasdf
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油桐早实丰产技术的研究是“七五”国家科技重点攻关项目。项目要求从1986年至1990年的5年内完成油桐丰产试验林面积2000亩,从第三年开始亩产桐油2-3kg,进入盛果期亩产桐油20-25kg。经6年的努力,实际完成丰产林面积2037.5亩,超额1.7%。从1988年至1991年4年累产桐油89932.8kg,连同林地间种总收入是582208.6元,扣除科研投资30万元(地方资助5万元),盈余28万元。丰产林产生的辐射效应,带动农户造桐林1万余亩。每亩多增收30元,则有30万元。油桐早实丰产技术研究,不仅为油桐生产提供应用技术,并且也直接创造了经济效益。本课题所营造的丰产林获得成功的关键技术是实现了栽培良种化,应用立地类型划分的方法。正确选择宜桐林地,合理调整林分结构,运用生态系统的理论和方法,集约化经营好桐林,这是丰产的保证。同时在试验研究的全过程中,贯彻执行了正确的科研指导思想和技术路线。 Tung oilseed production technology is the early real “seven five” national key scientific and technological projects. Project requirements from 1986 to 1990, completed within 5 years of tung tree yield test forest area of ​​2000 mu, from the third year began to produce tung oil 2-3kg, into the fruiting period of 20-25kg per mu tung oil. After 6 years of efforts, the actual production of 2037.5 acres of high yield forest, an excess of 1.7%. From 1988 to 1991, the accumulated tung oil 89932.8kg in 4 years, together with the total income between forest and woodland is 582208.6 yuan, after deducting scientific research investment 300000 yuan (local funding 50000 yuan), a surplus of 280000 yuan. The radiation effect of high yield forest, promote farmers more than 10,000 acres of Tonglin. More income per acre 30 yuan, then 300,000 yuan. Early tung tree tung technology research, not only for the application of tung oil production technology, and also directly create economic benefits. The key technology of the successful planting of high-yielding forest in this project is to realize the cultivation and seed-planting and the application of site-type classification. The proper selection of Yi Tong woodland, reasonable adjustment of the stand structure, the use of ecosystem theory and methods, intensive management of Tonglin, which is a guarantee of high yield. At the same time, in the whole process of experimental research, the correct guiding ideology and technical route of scientific research have been implemented.
颈部长了肿块,常常意味着一种与其有关的疾病正在悄悄的生长,最值得警惕的是“痛症”。 据统计,鼻咽癌患者中约57%的初发症状是颈部淋巴结肿大,部位相当于下颌角附近。开始是
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1974年获诺贝尔经济学奖的瑞典经济学家冈纳·缪尔达尔曾经提出一个“速度钱”的概念(大意是人们为了避免官僚主义的低效 Gunner Myrdal, a Swedish economist who won the