
来源 :吐鲁番科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zlyfeng
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底肥是施肥中最基本的一个环节,对作物生长发育尤其是苗期和作物生长前期至关重要,施用底肥一般要从四个方面考虑:即底肥的种类、数量、肥料品种及施用的深度。种类:有机肥(包括农家肥、厩肥、绿肥和饼肥)最适宜作底肥旋用,此外氮、磷、钾和微肥也皆适合作底肥。数量:要确定底肥施用数量尤其是化肥施用量,必须考虑土壤肥力高低,在有机质低于1.2%的土壤应施用3立方米/亩以上的有机肥。当土壤中速效氮、磷、钾及微量元素低于作物施肥有效临界值时,就应首先选择底施这些肥料,选择最佳施肥时期。对生长期较长的作物,除施用基 Base fertilizer is the most basic part of fertilization. It is very important to the growth and development of crops, especially the seedling stage and early crop growth stage. The application of base fertilizer should generally be considered from four aspects: the type and amount of base fertilizer, the variety of fertilizer and the depth of application. Types: Organic fertilizer (including farmyard manure, manure, green manure and cake) is most suitable for base fertilizer rotation, in addition to nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and fertilizer are also suitable as base fertilizer. Quantity: To determine the amount of base fertilizer application, especially the amount of chemical fertilizer, we must consider the level of soil fertility, organic fertilizer should be applied more than 3 cubic meters / acre in the soil less than 1.2% of organic matter. When available N, P, K and trace elements in the soil are lower than the effective critical value of crop fertilization, they should be selected at the end of the application of these fertilizers to select the optimal fertilization period. For longer growing crops, except for the application of base
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The morphologic characteristics of nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses in childred with cleft plaate were studied by The morphologic characteristics of nasal ca