Influence of flue gas cleaning system on characteristics of PM2.5 emission from coal-fired power pla

来源 :煤炭学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuusir
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This study investigated the influence of precipitators and wet flue gas desulfurization equipment on charac-teristics of PM2.5 emission from coal-fired power stations. We measured size distribution and removal efficiencies, including hybrid electrostatic precipitator/bag filters (ESP/BAGs) which have rarely been studied. A bimodal distribution of particle concentrations was observed at the inlet of each precipitator. After the precipitators, particle concentrations were significantly reduced. Although a bimodal distribution was still observed, all peak positions shifted to the smaller end. The removal efficiencies of hybrid ESP/BAGs reached 99%for PM2.5, which is considerably higher than those for other types of precipitators. In particular, the influence of hybrid ESP/BAG operating conditions on the performance of dust removal was explored. The efficiency of hybrid ESP/BAGs decreased by 1.9%when the first electrostatic field was shut down. The concentrations and distributions of particulate matter were also measured in three coal-fired power plants before and after desulfurization devices. The results showed diverse removal efficiencies for different desulfurization towers. The reason for the difference requires further research. We estimated the influence of removal technology for particulate matter on total emissions in China. Substituting ESPs with hybrid ESP/BAGs could reduce the total emissions to 104.3 thousand tons, with 47.48 thousand tons of PM2.5.
室性逸搏心律伴文氏型外出阻滞将使心率更趋缓慢,易诱发阿—斯综合征。最近遇到一例,现报告如下: 1 临床资料患者男性,12岁,因头昏呕吐3天,昏倒2次,1992年3月14日住院。查体
河津市位于山西省西南部,東与稷山县为邻,西隔黄河与陕西省韩城市相望,南与万荣县毗邻,北依吕梁山与乡宁县接壤,总人口38.9万,其中乡村人口21.9万。我市从2006年开始启动农村沼气“一池三改”项目,每年建设1000多户,至今建成6000余户,其经济、生态效益比较明显,但随着沼气数量增加,许多用户对沼气池的日常管理技术掌握不到位,致使沼气的效益不能充分体现出来,所以沼气的日常管理尤为重要。  一、
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