Comparative Study on Two English Versions of Hong Lou Meng from the Perspective of Cross—culture

来源 :校园英语·中旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wycgdxx86
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Hong Lou Meng is not only one of the four most famous ancient books in China,but also a classic masterpiece in the history of world literature.It presents the background and living statues in China feudal society as well as the language and culture of China.Two most completely and widely popular versions are that,one is translated by Yang Hsien-Yi and his wife Gladys Yang who are the famous translator couple(the Yang’s version) and the other is translated by Oxford University’s Sinologists David Hawks and John Minford,which refers to Hawks’ version.In this paper,a comparative study on different translation methods in two versions are made to explore differences between China and western cultures,and thus discuss the influences on translation of different cultures,especially study how the factors of culture,thoughts,language habits and translation methods impact on translation from the perspective of cross-culture. Hong Lou Meng is not only one of the four most famous ancient books in China, but also a classic masterpiece in the history of world literature.It presents the background and living statues in China feudal society as well as the language and culture of China. Two most completely and widely popular versions are that, one is translated by Yang Hsien-Yi and his wife Gladys Yang who are the famous translator couple (the Yang’s version) and the other available by Oxford University’s Sinologists David Hawks and John Minford, which refers to Hawks’ version.In this paper, a comparative study on different translation methods in two versions are made to explore differences between China and western cultures, and thus discuss on influences on translation of different cultures, especially study how the the of of cultures, thoughts, language habits and translation methods impact on translation from the perspective of cross-culture.
【摘要】通过明辨性思维在大学英语学术写作教学中的渗透,丰富教学手段,使课堂更加富有活力与创造力,有效提高学生学习英语的兴趣,激发学生的写作思维与其它思维,拓展教学区域,增强教学效果。  【关键词】明辨性思维 大学英语 学术写作  一、关于明辨性思维(Critical Thinking)  明辨性思维英文是critical thinking,也翻译为批判性思考或批判性思维,它有各种定义或不同的解读。
【Abstract】Hong Lou Meng is one of the most famous literature works in Chinese.This paper picks two versions of Hong Lou Meng:the Yang’s domesticating translation version and the Hawks’ foreignizing tr
【摘要】高中英语课堂教学就要围绕着促进学生全面发展做文章,构建高效课堂教学,要调动学生学习的积极性,让课堂成为学生学习知识的乐园,把课堂独有的魅力展现出来,让学生在学习的过程中,真正成为课堂学习的主人。  【关键词】高中英语 高效课堂教学  众所周知,兴趣是最好的老师。教育不能只面向少数学生,也不能只面向多数学生,而应该面向每一个学生。培养学生超强的学习能力,一定要培养他们对世界的好奇心,让他们仔
【摘要】在微课课堂上,教师是学习的促进者,学生是主动的研究者。它围绕相对单一的教学目标,直奔主题;展示知识的发生、发展、应用、相互关系;教学环节与内容更加精简:教师提出具有热身作用的问题,学生看视频自主学习,解决教师提出的问题,反馈练习,甄别疑难;教师收集问题,再将学生难以理解的重难点归纳成几个问题,围绕教学目标,交流互动,释疑解惑。  【关键词】微课 精练 主体 运用  一、精练-精简  1.教
【摘要】本文以高中英语教学作为研究主题,探讨与其相关的网络资源利用问题。首先结合我国网络信息技术的发展情况对其进行了简要概述;主要从教学计划的设置、课堂教学中对微视频的应用、课后进一步通过相关网络链接拓展高中英语教学几个方面进行了应用分析,并且提出了与之相配套的新型教学评估体系。希望能够通过本文初步论述为高中英语教学中应用网络资源提供一些有价值的信息。  【关键词】高中 英语教学 网络资源 应用 
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