Accuracy and analysis of long-radius measurement with long trace profiler

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:javabudong
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The long trace profiler(LTP) is proposed to measure radius of curvature(R) and surface figure of a longradius spherical surface in an optical shop.Equipped with a motorized rotary stage and a two-dimensional tilt stage,the LTP scans the full aperture and calculates the absolute radius of curvature of each scanning line based on the least square method.Nonlinear error and manufacture error difference between center and the edge are obtained by comparing R results.The R-limit is validated and expressed as D/R,where D is the aperture of the mirror under test.A full-aperture three-dimensional figure is also reconstructed based on triangle interpolation. The long trace profiler (LTP) is proposed to measure radius of curvature (R) and surface figure of a longradius spherical surface in an optical shop. Equipped with a motorized rotary stage and a two-dimensional tilt stage, the LTP scans the full aperture and calculates the absolute radius of curvature of each scanning line based on the least square method. Linear error and manufacture error difference between center and the edge are obtained by comparing R results. R-limit is validated and represented as D / R, where D is the aperture of the mirror under test. A full-aperture three-dimensional figure is also reconstructed based on triangle interpolation.
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