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我厂在牵引五铧犁的基础上,改成了深耕犁,现已使用三年多了。改制的深耕犁可深耕50厘米(上翻27厘米,下松23厘米),班效达40亩,改制后不破坏原五铧犁结构,恢复原状仍能普耕。该犁存在的问题是耕作阻力大。改制的方法(见图):1.卸掉五铧犁的第四、五两犁体。为了减少阻力,在第二、三犁体的犁柱与梁架联接面处加垫板,使犁体向 I plant on the basis of the five-plow traction, into a deep plowing, has now been in use for more than three years. The plow system can be deep plowing 50 cm (up 27 cm, down 23 cm), class efficiency of 40 acres, after the restructuring does not undermine the original five-plow plow structure, restore the status quo can still farming. The problem with the plow is the heavy tillage resistance. The method of restructuring (see Figure): 1. Remove the fifth and fifth plow the fourth and fifth plow body. In order to reduce the resistance, in the second, three plow plow columns and beam joints at the surface of the pad, the plow to the body
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我终于成为一名小学生了。  当我背着书包走进教室,面对新老师和那么多新同学的时候,甭提心里有多高兴了。可是,小朋友们,你们知道吗?现在我的心里却很烦恼,完全没有了上学时的兴奋和惊喜。每当我背着书包上学的时候,爸爸妈妈总会反复叮嘱我:“上课要遵守纪律、认真听课、集中注意力,不要做小动作。”写作业的时候,他们又会在我耳边反复地说:“笔顺要记清,字要写工整,不然要重写。”他们这样反复念叨多了,我真感到很
A model for performance prediction of multistage centrifugal compressor is proposed.The model allows the users to predict the compressor performance,e.g.pressur
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晚上,我在明亮的灯光下认真写字。突然,耳边传来小弟弟的声音:“哥哥,你看我会变魔术了哟!”我赶忙放下手中的笔,只见墙上,一会儿跑出来一只“汪汪”叫的小 In the evening,
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