Raman scattering enhancement characteristic of NbCl_5-and Nb_20_5-doped silica fibers

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wxsshj
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Two kinds of Nb-doped silica fibers,an NbCl_5-doped fiber and an Nb_2O_5-doped fiber,are fabricated and characterized in this Letter.First,the refractive index profiles of both fibers are obtained,and then their Raman spectra are measured with 785 nm exciting light.The Nb-doped fibers’Raman spectra are compared with a conventional GeO_2-doped single-mode silica fiber that is prepared with the same method and under the same conditions.As a result,the Raman gain coefficients of the Nb-doped silica fiber core are obtained.The experimental results show that Nb_2O_5 doping can enhance the Raman scattering intensity of the optical fibers. Both kinds of Nb-doped silica fibers, an NbCl_5-doped fiber and an Nb_2O_5-doped fiber, are fabricated and characterized in this Letter. First, the refractive index profiles of both fibers are obtained, and then their Raman spectra are measured with 785 nm exciting light. The Nb-doped fibers’ Raman spectra are compared with a conventional GeO 2 -doped single-mode silica fiber that is prepared with the same method and under the same conditions. As a result, the Raman gain coefficients of the Nb- doped silica fiber core are obtained. The experimental results show that Nb 2 O 5 doping can enhance the Raman scattering intensity of the optical fibers.
The high price and toxicity of ionic liquids(ILs) have limited the design and application of supported ionic liquid membranes(SILMs) for CO_2 separation in both
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