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一堂课能否成功,关键在于新课的导入是否有效。善于导入,导入得新颖、活泼,一堂课就成功了一半。因为,有趣的“开场白”能在3~5分钟内像磁铁般把学生深深吸引住,激发学生的学习兴趣,调动起学生的学习主动性和积极性。那么,如何设计数学课精彩的序曲呢?我在教学实践中总结出了如下几种导入方法,效果较好,教师在教学中不妨一试。一、新旧交替 The success of a class, the key is the introduction of the new class is valid. Good at importing, introducing new, lively, a lesson successfully half. Because, interesting “opening ceremony ” in 3 to 5 minutes magnetically attracted students deeply, stimulate students’ interest in learning, mobilize the learning initiative and enthusiasm of students. So, how to design a wonderful prelude in math class? I summarize in the teaching practice the following introduction methods, the effect is better, the teacher may wish to try in teaching. First, the new alternant
Nano/micro replication,a technique widely applied in the microelectronics field,was introduced to prepare the hydrophobic bionics microstructure on material sur
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