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若是在早几年你提起VIP风格改装,估计国内还很少有人会知道是个啥玩意。但随着国内汽车改装行业的不断兴起,国外的一些改装风潮也逐渐漂洋过海来到国内,并被国内的汽车改装行业所吸收,其中VIP风格改装就是颇具代表性的一个,并日益被一些追求个性的年轻车主所追捧。那何谓VIP风格改装呢?这种改装风格最初起源于日本黑道,早在80年代就有不少日本黑道大哥,喜欢将中大型豪华房车改装成这种夸张大胆的外观,以彰显其江湖地位。后来慢慢被日本90年代的年轻人所喜爱,这种改装风格才开始大行其道开来。再后来随着美国黑人嘻哈文化的兴起,这股潮流又在美国嘻哈圈内流行起来,并将这种风格日益发挥到了极致,到了几乎让人瞠目结舌的地步。国内的汽车改装行业起步比较晚,也由于各种原因一直发展并不很顺,真正开始实践这种改装风格还是近几年的事情。本刊这期就介绍了一台由深圳音乐大师改装店打造的带有VIP风格的飞度改装车(详见本期音响实战栏目),并请来了三位车主,一起欣赏了这台车,感受了汽车VIP改装风格的魅力。这种改装风格会给普通车主带来什么样的感受呢?普通车主又是如何看待和理解这种改装风格的呢?带着这样的问题,笔者跟这三位车主一起,谈谈普通车主心中理想的汽车VIP风格改装。 If you mention VIP style conversion in a few years ago, it is estimated that few people in the country will know what it is. However, with the continuous rise of the domestic car modification industry, some foreign modification wave has gradually drifted across the sea to China and was absorbed by the domestic auto modification industry, in which the VIP style modification is a rather representative one and is increasingly being Some pursuit of individual young car owners sought after. What is this VIP style modification it? This modified style originally originated in the Japanese underworld, as early as 80 years there are many Japanese mafia brother, like to convert large and medium-sized luxury cars into such an exaggerated bold appearance to highlight its arena status. It was slowly loved by young people in Japan in the 90’s and this style of conversion began to flourish. And then with the rise of Afro-American hip-hop culture, the trend became popular again in American hip-hop circles, bringing the style to its limits to an almost staggering extent. The domestic auto modification industry started relatively late, but also due to various reasons has been developing is not smooth, really begin to practice this conversion style or in recent years. This issue on the introduction of a modified by the Shenzhen master music shop to build a VIP-style Fit modified car (see the current audio section), and invited three owners, together to appreciate the car, Feel the charm of the car VIP modified style. This modified style will give ordinary car owners what kind of feeling? What is the ordinary car owners and understanding of this modified style? With such a problem, the author with the three owners together to talk about ordinary car owners Ideal car VIP style modification.
最近,在“英国那些事儿”的公众号里看到了一个话题:每个人活着的时候,都会有各种各样的愿望,然而,当濒临死亡时,他最后的愿望会是什么呢?这个话题自发布以后,得到了众多网友的跟帖,关注量飙升。  6岁的埃琳娜被诊断出得了脑癌,她说她最后的愿望是:把爱留给爸爸妈妈。她在得病期间写了几百张爱的便条,并将它们一一藏于家里的角角落落。她希望自己去世以后,爸妈能在不经意间看到那些便条,能感受到自己对他们的爱。埃
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