清婉多姿 内含神趣——记书法家耿毓亮

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书法四体中的草书,最为时人激赏。近20年来,中国书坛出现了许多高手.所谓俊彩星驰,细考之,也多是以专擅草书或行草书而获名位。追溯古人,自二王而下,张旭怀素勿论,而《兰亭集序》、《祭侄稿》、《寒食帖》,以及明清诸家也多以草书或行草书作为经典,流传有绪。草书相对于其他书体而言,它的节奏感比较突出。可以因情生势,因势 Calligraphy in the cursive, most people appreciated. In the past 20 years, there have been many masters in Chinese calligraphy circles. The so-called Jun Choi sing, detailed examination, but also mostly special scriptures or cursive and won the bit. Tracing back to the ancients, since the Second King, Zhang Xu Huai Sui no matter, and “Orchid Pavilion set”, “offering a manuscript,” “Cold Food Posts”, and Ming and Qing dynasties also to cursive or cursive as a classic, popular . Compared to other cursive cursive, cursive sense of rhythm is more prominent. Can be due to potential situation, due to potential
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