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咸丰通宝背满汉文浙字小平样钱辨郭若愚1992年第四期《中国钱币》发表张宏林《咸丰通宝背满汉文浙字小平样钱》一文,我读了之后,觉得此钱是一枚臆造伪钱,因陈说理由,和同志们共同商讨。一、此钱(指咸丰通宝背满汉文浙字小平样钱,以下同)面“咸丰通宝”隶书四字对读,其文字风格和“咸丰通宝”背满文宝福局的小平钱完全一样。“咸丰通宝”满文宝福局小平钱一般径为2.5厘米,较此钱略小。但咸丰通宝满文宝福局有小平铁钱,也有铁母,钱径为2.7厘米,较此钱为大(图版见马批《历代古钱图说》2508枚)。今举铁母实物为例:(如图)面“咸丰通宝”隶书四字对读,背穿左右满文宝福。径2.72,面穿0.57,背穿0.72,厚0.21厘米,重8.8克。和此钱比较(见附表),两者文字风格和制造规格完全相同,铁母钱径较此钱略大。但铁母钱厚0.21厘米,重8.8克,而此钱厚0.31厘米,重8.2克,此钱较铁母钱厚三分之一却反而较母钱轻0.6克,这是不对的,可能该文报导的重量测得不够准确。二、此钱和咸丰通宝满文宝福局小平铁母线的文字风格及制作规格完全相同,而背文却为满汉文宝浙局,这是不可能的。宝浙局的咸丰钱有宝浙局的风格,其满汉文浙字的版式有当十、二十 Xianfeng Tongbao full of Chinese zhejiang small peace money identification Guo Ruoyu 1992 fourth issue of “Chinese coins” published Zhang Honglin “Xianfeng Tongbao full of Chinese zhejiang Xiaoping like money” one article, after I read it, think this money is a hypocrisy Money, because Chen said the reason, and comrades to discuss. First, the money (referring to Xianfeng Tongbao full of Chinese and Chinese characters Xiaoping Ping Qian, the same below) face “Xianfeng Tongbao” script four words to read, the text style and “Xianfeng Tongbao” back full Wenbao Fu Bureau of Xiaoping money exactly the same . “Xianfeng Tongbao” Man Bao Bao Fu Xiaoping money generally 2.5 cm in diameter, slightly smaller than this money. But Xianfeng Tong Bao Bao Wen Bao Fu Bureau Xiaoping iron money, there are iron mother, the money diameter of 2.7 cm, compared to the money for the big (see the horse version of “ancient money map that” 2508). For example: (Figure) surface “Xianfeng Tongbao” official script four words on the right, back wear around Manchu blessing. Diameter 2.72, face wear 0.57, back wear 0.72, thickness 0.21 cm, weighs 8.8 grams. Compared with the money (see the attached table), both text and manufacturing specifications exactly the same, iron money size slightly larger than this. However, 0.21 cm of iron and thick money, weighs 8.8 grams, while the thickness of 0.31 centimeters thick, weighs 8.2 grams, the money is one-third thicker than the iron mother money but less money than the mother money. 6 grams, this is not right, it may be reported in the article weight is not accurate enough. Second, the money and Xianfeng Tongbao Manpower Baofu Tie Xiaobing iron bus writing style and production specifications exactly the same, but the back text is full Han Wen Bao Zhejiang Bureau, it is impossible. Bao Zhejiang Bureau of Xianfeng Qianbao treasure Zhejiang Bureau style, the full Chinese version of the word Zhejiang ten, twenty
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