明确任务 落实责任 努力实现县域经济跨越式发展和率先突破

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全省东部山区农村经济结构调整座谈会提出,东部山区各县(市)要加快农村经济结构战略性调整,实现县域经济跨越式发展和率先突破。按照这一要求,综合考虑通化市的现实基础和发展形势,确定当前和今后一个时期通化市农村经济结构战略性调整的基本思路是:以资源转换为核心,培育壮大县域工业,大力发展质效农业,加快小城镇建设,加大开放开发力度,走市场化运作、产业化经营、规模化发展的山区特色经济之路。力争用3—5年时间,把通化市初步建成工业主导型、城乡结合型、生态效益型的特色经济区。主要目标是:调整优化第一产业,提高壮大第二产业,加快发展第三产业,使农村经济结构逐步实现二、三产业占主要比重,资源合理配置,结构优化升级。从2001年开始到2005年,县域(含两区)国 The discussion on the adjustment of rural economic structure in the eastern mountainous regions proposed that counties (cities) in the eastern mountainous regions should speed up the strategic readjustment of the rural economic structure and realize the leap-forward development and the first breakthrough in the county economy. In accordance with this requirement, Tonghua City, considering the reality of the foundation and the development of the situation to determine the current and future strategic adjustment of rural economic structure of Tonghua City, the basic idea is: to resource conversion as the core, nurture and strengthen county industrial development, and vigorously develop the quality Agriculture, accelerate the construction of small towns and cities, increase the intensity of opening up and development, and take the road of mountain economy featuring market-oriented operation, industrial management and large-scale development. Strive to 3-5 years, Tonghua City initially built industrial-oriented, urban and rural areas with the type of eco-efficiency characteristics of the economic zone. The main objectives are: to adjust and optimize the primary industry, to increase and strengthen the secondary industry, to speed up the development of the tertiary industry, to gradually realize the rural economic structure and to make the secondary and tertiary industries the major proportion, to allocate resources rationally and to optimize and upgrade the structure. From 2001 to 2005, the county (including two districts) country
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(1)联直线OB(图1),O为圆心,A为切点,∴△OAB为直角三角形,OA为半径,即OA==10/2=5。∵OB平分∠ABC(角的两边与圆相切),∴∠ OBA=55°/2=27°30′。由直角三角形OAB得:AB=OA·
箱式电炉在工作时装出炉频繁,下层搁砖容易碰坏,引起电阻丝变形,造成事故。我们采用标准耐火砖代替最下层搁砖,并在旁边侧立薄形砖(230×113×32),如图所示。这样 Box-type
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(1)解:图1所示(D-30)/2=x在直角三角形ABC中,x=100xtg 5°=100×0.0875=8.75D=30+2x=30+2×8.75=47.5(毫米)(2)证明:图2所示,过圆心O点作线段OC平行于车刀前面,过刀尖A点,作
荫罩(栅网)钢带是彩色显象管中的重要金属材料,它安装在萤光屏后面,起着选色作用,荫罩上均匀分布着若干万个长0.7mm,宽0.15mm 的小孔,栅网上均匀分布着数百条宽度为0.15mm