
来源 :中国电力企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yetigai
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针对新时期、新形势对思想政治工作和精神文明建设提出的新要求,电力行业各级党组织以“三个代表”重要思想为指导,认真落实江泽民同志关于不断根据实践的要求进行创新的指示,围绕电力改革发展稳定的中心工作,在继承和发扬优良传统的基础上,从内容、形式、方法、手段、机制等方面推进精神文明建设创新,取得了丰硕成果。根据《国家电力公司精神文明建设创新奖授奖条例(试行)》规定,经认真审查评选并公示后,山东黄台发电厂等五单位被授予“国家电力公司2001年度精神文明建设创新奖”。本刊已在11期刊发山东黄台发电厂的获奖项目———“三维立体的黄电文化”,本期摘发其余四个获奖单位的创新成果,以飨读者。———编者 In response to the new requirements put forward by the new era and new situation on ideological and political work and the building of spiritual civilization, the party organizations at all levels of the power industry are guided by the important thinking of the “three represents,” and earnestly implemented Comrade Jiang Zemin’s instructions on continuously innovating according to the requirements of practice. Focusing on the central task of power reform, development, and stability, on the basis of inheriting and carrying forward the fine traditions, we have promoted spiritual civilization construction innovation in terms of content, forms, methods, means, and mechanisms, and achieved fruitful results. According to the “Regulations on the awarding of awards for the National Electric Power Company’s Spiritual Civilization Construction Innovation Award (Trial)”, five units such as the Shandong Huangtai Power Plant were awarded the “National Power Company 2001 Spiritual Civilization Construction Innovation Award” after careful review, selection and publicity. The journal has issued the award-winning project of Shandong Huangtai Power Plant—“Three-Dimensional Three-Dimensional Culture of the Yellow River” in the 11th issue. In this issue, the innovation results of the remaining four award-winning organizations were distributed to the readers. ---editor
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