
来源 :山西建筑 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pangdunpiwen
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山西铝厂一期工程中,开展了共建活动加快了工程建设的步伐,节约了大量的资金,提高了工程质量,锻炼了职工队伍,提高了企业素质,改变了机关作风,该文谈到的方法是形式多样,内容广泛,适合施工单位和生产单位在共建活动中参考。 In the first phase of the Shanxi Aluminum Plant, joint construction activities were carried out to speed up the construction of the project, saving a lot of capital, improving the quality of the project, training the workforce, improving the quality of the company, and changing the organization’s work style. The methods are diverse in form and wide in content, and are suitable for reference by construction units and production units in joint construction activities.
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该文对钢筋气压焊的发展概况有简单的论述,并提出需要推广开这项技术,首先设备必须有统一的标准,并且操作人员需要专业化,并对钢筑气压焊炬火焰和耗气量作了分析。 This art
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