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《中国汽车报》7月18日刊登评论,认为我国应该尽快成立汽车产业部。文章的主要论点有两个:一是我国在信息产业快速发展时,成立了专门的信息产业部,现在我国汽车正业正处在快速发展时期,有必要成立专门的汽车产业部;二是我国汽车行业长期存在着多头管理的问题,造成“责任无人担、好处人人沾”的局面,急需尽快解决。文章分析很透彻,立意也非常好。如果能成立汽车产业部,将结束汽车工业多头管理的历史。由一个部门来统一管理我国的汽车工业,既可以解决多头管理、政出多门、政策不系统,汽车产业政策与具体实施脱节等问题,又能统一规划中国汽 China Automotive News published a commentary on July 18th that China should set up the automobile industry ministry as soon as possible. The article has two main arguments: First, China’s rapid development of the information industry, the establishment of a special Ministry of Information Industry, and now China’s automobile industry is in a period of rapid development, the need to set up a special Ministry of Automotive Industry; Second, China’s automobile Long-term existence of long-term industry management issues, resulting in “no responsibility to bear the benefit of everyone ” situation, the urgent need to be resolved as soon as possible. Article analysis is very thorough, the conception is also very good. If you can set up Automotive Industry, will end the long history of the automotive industry. By a department to unify the management of China’s automobile industry, we can solve the problems of long management, multiple administrations and policies, unsystematic policies, disregarding the policies and specific implementation of the automobile industry,
目的评价健康志愿受试者对通栓救心片的耐受性和安全性,为Ⅱ期临床试验给药方案提供依据。方法 2009年1月-4月,选择健康受试者38例,随机进入5个单次给药组和2个连续给药组。
本文通过对目前各种存储子系统的归纳与分析,介绍一种理论上用来评价I/O存储子系统性能的计算方法,并提出了改善I/O存储子系统性能的几种有效途径 In this paper, we summarize and
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The authors report on a case of a newborn with partial anomalous pulmonary venous return of the lower left pulmonary vein. Diagnosis was performed during the in