Practice and Use of Tree Species in Urban Forestry in Thailand

来源 :Chinese Forestry Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:e3e45r
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Urban forestry is now increasingly practiced in Thailand. This has gained impetus because ofgradual deterioration of visual amenity and environmental quality in many of the rapidly developing urbancenters. Various urban beautification programs are being implemented to rehabilitate blighted landscape,polluted atmosphere and deteriorating weather conditions, as well as to maintain a clean, healthy and pleasantenvironment so as to ensure a better quality of life. Planting of suitable trees for shade, climatic ameliorationand aesthetic values form the principal activity under these beautification programs. It is regarded as not onlyan important component of socio-economic development but also contributive to the restoration of the urbanecosystem. The responsibility of the implementation of most of these programs falls to the BangkokMetropolitan, Administration, Provincial and District Municipalities. The Royal Forest Department playsthe supporting role of supplying seedlings of the species required for planting and providing technical adviceon the growing of these trees. In this paper tree species commonly planted in urban and populated areas inThailand are identified. It is envisaged that with the vast amount of flora available in Thailand and through theintegrated efforts of all agencies involved, this program will achieve the target of beautifying the cities andtowns of Thailand. Urban forestry is now increasingly practiced in Thailand. This has gained impetus because of gradual deterioration of visual amenity and environmental quality in many of the rapidly developing urbancenters. Various urban beautification programs are being to rehabilitate blighted landscape, polluted atmosphere and deteriorating weather conditions, as well as to maintain a clean, healthy and pleasantenvironment so as to ensure a better quality of life. It is as as only only important important of of life. Planting of suitable trees for shade, climatic ameliorationand aesthetic values ​​form the principal activity under these beautification programs. -economic development but also contributive to the restoration of the urbanecosystem. The responsibility of the implementation of most of these programs falls to the Bangkok Metropolitan, Administration, Provincial and District Municipalities. The Royal Forest Department playsthe supporting role of supplying seedlings of the species required for planting and providing technical adviceon theThailand are identified. It is envisaged that with the vast amount of flora available in Thailand and through theintegrated efforts of all agencies involved , this program will achieve the target of beautifying the cities andtowns of Thailand.
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