Erosive Pustular Dermatosis of the Scalp After Excision and Skin Grafting of Scalp Squamous Cell Car

来源 :国际皮肤性病学杂志(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wlck_dong
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Introduction::Erosive pustular dermatosis of the scalp (EPDS) is an uncommon condition with unknown etiology. The clinical exclusive diagnosis needs to be differentiated from similar diseases.Case presentation::A 68-year-old woman presented with an eight-month history of a chronic scalp eruption. She had been diagnosed as squamous cell carcinoma by biopsy nine months ago, and had been treated by surgical excision and skin grafting. One month later, she was referred for evaluation of the newly enlarged lesion which was observed at the skin grafting site. She was diagnosed of EPDS based on characteristics of lesions, clinicopathological findings and laboratory data. The condition had clinically improved with systemic steroid therapy and topical tacrolimus for two weeks. Relapses occurred after complete withdrawal of both treatments. After repeating the above therapy and applying topical tacrolimus as maintenance therapy, the condition was well controlled at the one-year follow-up.Discussion::EPDS is an uncommon inflammatory dermatosis with main incidence rate of elderly patients and female predominance. The diagnosis of EPDS cant be made only by histopathological examination, which is helpful for differential diagnosis. Microbiological investigations commonly remain negative. For the high risk of relapse, it is important for clinicians to be aware of maintenance treatment and a long-term management.Conclusion::It should be recognized by clinicians that EPDS is an uncommon and relapse disease, leading to serious cosmetic problems. The treatment lacks evidence-based medicine data, clinician should choose the appropriate therapy according to the condition of patients.“,”Introduction::Erosive pustular dermatosis of the scalp (EPDS) is an uncommon condition with unknown etiology. The clinical exclusive diagnosis needs to be differentiated from similar diseases.Case presentation::A 68-year-old woman presented with an eight-month history of a chronic scalp eruption. She had been diagnosed as squamous cell carcinoma by biopsy nine months ago, and had been treated by surgical excision and skin grafting. One month later, she was referred for evaluation of the newly enlarged lesion which was observed at the skin grafting site. She was diagnosed of EPDS based on characteristics of lesions, clinicopathological findings and laboratory data. The condition had clinically improved with systemic steroid therapy and topical tacrolimus for two weeks. Relapses occurred after complete withdrawal of both treatments. After repeating the above therapy and applying topical tacrolimus as maintenance therapy, the condition was well controlled at the one-year follow-up.Discussion::EPDS is an uncommon inflammatory dermatosis with main incidence rate of elderly patients and female predominance. The diagnosis of EPDS cant be made only by histopathological examination, which is helpful for differential diagnosis. Microbiological investigations commonly remain negative. For the high risk of relapse, it is important for clinicians to be aware of maintenance treatment and a long-term management.Conclusion::It should be recognized by clinicians that EPDS is an uncommon and relapse disease, leading to serious cosmetic problems. The treatment lacks evidence-based medicine data, clinician should choose the appropriate therapy according to the condition of patients.
膀胱炎性肌纤维细胞瘤(IMT)是一种罕见的具有一定恶性潜能的间叶源性肿瘤。本文报道我院2011年1月至2019年10月经手术及病理证实的膀胱IMT 4例,患者发病年龄20-62岁,男性3例,女性1例,病灶均为单发,病灶长径1.7cm~3.9cm, 3例呈类圆形结节,1例呈不规则肿块,位于膀胱前上壁1例,前壁1例,侧壁2例。3例突向腔内,1例向腔外生长并累及腹膜及脐尿管。CT平扫病灶呈等密度,增强扫描3例结节动脉期呈明显环状强化,静脉期进一步强化,另1例肿块呈渐进性明显不均匀强化,病灶邻近膀胱壁增厚。本文认