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南水北调工程作为国家强制性制度变迁的载体必将对受水区的有关经济社会制度产生深刻而长远的影响,主要表现在引发农地及水利基础设施产权的重新配置,改变区域内水资源的价格体系,通过改变水资源收益主体结构而引致水权制度模式变革,导致受水区内中央与地方之间财政收支的制度模式创新。因此,在受水区,需要引入市场调节机制为主和国家调节为辅的农地和水资源管理体制,合理引导农村土地制度变革;按照受水区不同的用水需求弹性,科学制定水资源定价标准,保证北调的水资源得到公平、公正和高效的开发和利用;建立水权明晰、治理结构合理的市场交易与行政管理相结合的水资源管理体制,解决不同投资主体的利益分配问题;加大对受水区的财税支持和补偿,积极引导受水区的经济结构调整与优化。 The project of South-to-North Water Diversion Project as a carrier of the change of compulsory national system will surely exert a profound and long-term impact on the relevant economic and social systems in water-receiving areas. This will mainly result in the reallocation of property rights in agricultural land and water conservancy infrastructure, and in changing the price of water resources in the region System, which leads to the reform of the water rights system by changing the main structure of the income of water resources, resulting in the institutional mode innovation of the fiscal revenue and expenditure between the central and local governments in the receiving area. Therefore, in water-receiving areas, it is necessary to introduce the management system of agricultural land and water resources, supplemented mainly by market regulation and supplementation by the state, and to guide the reform of rural land systems in a reasonable manner. According to the elasticity of demand for water in the water area, scientifically formulate water resources pricing Standardize and ensure that water resources in the northern part of the province will be fairly, fairly and efficiently developed and utilized; to establish a water resources management system that has a clear water right and a rational market governance structure and administrative management to solve the problem of profit distribution among different investors; We will increase fiscal and taxation support and compensation for water-receiving areas and actively guide the adjustment and optimization of the economic structure of water-receiving areas.
牡丹江是松花江的支流,在依兰附近入松花江。牡丹江的上游镜泊湖是我国最大的高山湖,为全国闻名的旅游胜地,每年夏秋季节都吸引着数万人前来观光和避暑。 这里的鱼类资源丰
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宋军:北京市检察院法律政 策研究室主任,法学硕士 裁判员受贿是对司法界的一种挑战,刑法规定受贿罪有二种犯罪主体,一种是国家工作人员,一种是公司企业的工作人员。新刑法也