Effects of Annealing Treatments on Luminescence and Scintillation Properties of Ce:Lu_3Al_5O_(12) Cr

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:waterxiang
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Ce:Lu3Al5O12 single crystals grown in pure N2 atmosphere by Czochralski method were annealed in oxidizing atmosphere (air) and reducing atmosphere (H2+N2), respectively. Effects of annealing treatments on luminescence and scintillation properties of the crystals were investigated. The crystal annealed in air showed the highest luminescence intensity under blue light or vacuum ultraviolet excitation in comparison with that annealed in reducing flux or the as-grown crystal. Under X-ray excitation, crystal annealed in reducing atmosphere had the lowest light yield, and crystal annealed in air had the fastest decay time under 137Cs 662 keV γ-ray excitation. Different annealing treatments resulted in different luminescence and scintillation properties, which might related with oxygen vacancies or defect existing in the crystals. Ce: Lu3Al5O12 single crystals grown in pure N2 atmosphere by Czochralski method were annealed in oxidizing atmosphere (air) and reducing atmosphere (H2 + N2), respectively. Effects of annealing treatments on luminescence and scintillation properties of the crystals were investigated. The crystal annealed in air showed the highest luminescence intensity under blue light or vacuum ultraviolet excitation in comparison with that annealed in reducing flux or the as-grown crystal. Under X-ray excitation, crystal annealed in reducing atmosphere had the lowest light yield, and crystal annealed in air had the fastest decay time under 137Cs 662 keV γ-ray excitation. Different annealing treatments resulted in different luminescence and scintillation properties, which might related with oxygen vacancies or defect existing in the crystals.
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