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复旦学子张顺的母亲不幸患了癌症。为了给母亲治病,张顺赶回贵州老家,执意把母亲接到上海,每天背着她去医院做放疗。但高额的治疗费用成了拦在张顺一家人面前的大山,他甚至想休学打工,为母亲筹集医药费……名校学子出自贫寒人家今年20岁的张顺出生在贵州省遵义县鸭溪镇一个贫困家庭。他的父亲是镇上一家酒厂的工人,母亲也在酒厂干临时工。张顺出生时,因为没有钱去医院,是母亲在家自己生下了他。尽管家里很穷,但父母从没亏待过张顺。张顺上小学时,父母就对他说:“家里再苦再难,也要供你读书!你一定要争气,将来考上大学,不要像我们这样窝囊地活着。”张顺上六年级那年,父亲从单位下岗,从此父母到处打零工甚至捡垃圾维持生活。每天,父母都用辣椒加水泡饭吃,省下钱来给儿子买肉补营养。幼小的张顺在心里暗暗发誓:好好读书,学好本领,长大了一定要让父母过上好日子。张顺没有让父母失望。2001年,他以全镇第一的成绩升入了省级示范高中。为了方便儿子读书,父母到县城租了间小房 Fushun student Zhang Shun’s mother unfortunately suffered from cancer. In order to cure his mother, Zhang Shun returned home in Guizhou, insisted on her mother received in Shanghai, carrying her to the hospital every day to do radiotherapy. But the high cost of treatment has become a mountain in front of the family in front of Zhang Shun, he even wanted to leave school to work for the mother to raise medical expenses ... elite students from the poor 20-year-old Zhang Shun was born in Zunyi County, Guizhou Province Duck Creek A poor family in town. His father was a worker in a town winery and his mother was also a part-time laborer at a winery. Zhang Shun was born, because there is no money to go to the hospital, is his mother gave birth to him at home. Although the family is poor, but my parents never treated Zhang Shun. When Zhang Shun went to primary school, his parents said to him: “There is no need for us to study hard at home, and we must also study for you. You must strive for success and go to university in the future. Do not let us live like we are.” Grade year, my father laid off from the unit, from his parents everywhere odd jobs or even pick up trash to maintain their lives. Every day, parents use pepper and water bubble to eat, save money to buy his son meat supplement nutrition. Young Zhang Shun secretly vowed in my heart: a good study, learn skills, grow up must let parents have a good life. Zhang Shun did not disappoint his parents. In 2001, he was the province’s first achievement into the provincial model high school. In order to facilitate his son’s school, his parents rented a small room to the county seat
女儿雨婷已快两周岁了,能清楚地称呼每个人和说简单的句子。她口齿清楚,模仿力很强,且发音清晰准确,别人让她说什么,她都能说上来。邻居们都爱逗她玩。 对女儿进行语言教育,
河北省1984年-1993年自学考试情况一览表注;在总报考人数中,于部约占51.4%,工人约占34.7%,军人约占3.6%,农民约占2.3/,待业人员约占2.6%,其他人员约占5.4%。报考的年龄最大为80岁,最小为18岁。河北省1984年-1993年自学考... H