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长期以来,我国进出口贸易结算格局少有变化,信用证等传统支付方式仍居重要位置。而在国际范围内,信用证的应用率已降至不足20%,O/A(Open Account,赊销/记账交易)、D/A(Documents against Acceptance,承兑交单)、Factoring(保付代理)等支付技术则大行其道,这一变化在发达国家尤为显著。可以说,信用证的问世和“独领风骚” For a long time, there have been few changes in the settlement pattern of China’s import and export trade, and traditional payment methods such as letters of credit still occupy an important position. In the international context, the utilization rate of letters of credit has dropped to less than 20%. O / A (Open Account, DDA), D / A (Documents against Acceptance), Factoring ) And other payment technologies are popular, this change is particularly significant in developed countries. It can be said that the advent of the letter of credit and “dominate ”
  The construction procedure and structure of Ni2+ macromolecular complexes with series of poly styrene and maleic anhydride (PSt/MA) were studied.Both the co
目的 研究不同级别宫颈病变中p16、p125蛋白的表达情况,并分析不同宫颈病变中HPV的分型结果,以探讨p16、p125联合HPV分型检测在宫颈病变诊断中的应用价值.方法 选取我院2017-
  Along with the growing of the demand for stainless steel and the declining of sulphide ores, there is an increasing focus on the utilization of nickel later
目的 研究上泌尿道尿路上皮癌的DNA错配修复(MMR)蛋白缺失情况和微卫星不稳定(MSI)状态,探讨林奇综合征(LS)相关性上泌尿道尿路上皮癌的发病率,并进行相应的临床病理特征分析
孤立性纤维性肿瘤(solitary fibrous tumor,SFT)是一种少见的间叶来源的纤维母细胞性肿瘤,生物学行为大多数为惰性或中间型,少数为恶性.1931年首次由Klemperer等[1]报道发生
  In this study, copper adsorption by orange peal which was chemically modified with sodium hydroxide was investigated.The adsorbent was characterized using s
  This paper summarized the status of recovery of Ga and Ge from zinc process in China.The extraction rates of Ga and Ge are very low.The main reason is that
当今时代,不同的人、不同的职业、不同的岗位,组成了一个相互服务、相互关心、相互帮助的整体,组合了一个“富者知贫,贫者得助” In today’s era, different people, diffe