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今年以来,氮肥市场极度低迷,生产企业面临资金和库存的双重压力,目前已有部分企业因严重亏损而被迫减产、停产,全行业产能发挥明显低于往年。另外,今年原计划新建投产的合成氨和尿素生产装置因原料等种种因素而未按计划投产,因此今年第四季度尿素市场供大于求的矛盾可能有所缓解;而因煤、天然气等原料价格居高不下,尿素市场价格今冬明春也有望有所上涨。 Since the beginning of this year, the market for nitrogenous fertilizers has been extremely depressed. The manufacturing enterprises are faced with the dual pressures of capital and inventory. At present, some enterprises have been forced to cut down their production and stop production due to serious losses. The production capacity of the entire industry has been significantly lower than in previous years. In addition, the ammonia plant and urea plant originally planned to be put into operation this year will not be put into production due to various factors such as raw materials. Therefore, the contradiction between oversupply in the urea market in the fourth quarter of this year may be eased. However, due to the price of raw materials such as coal and natural gas High, urea market price is expected to rise this winter and next spring.
鲜椒黄喉鸡原料:仔公鸡400克猪黄喉150克青红尖椒块100克子姜丝50克盐、松肉粉、辣鲜露、味精、鸡精、鸡蛋液、干淀粉、料酒、藤椒油、色拉油各适量 Pepper yellow laryngea
在前辈妈妈眼里,“80后”的新妈妈大都做不好事情,需要被人照顾。事实上,很多“80后”妈妈的眼界更宽,有主见,能坚持,更有破旧立新的育儿招数。 In the eyes of their prede
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近日,国外研究人员的一项试验表明,吃坚果能增加饱腹感,提高身体燃烧脂肪的能力,有助于控制体重。同时,吃坚果可促进新陈代谢,改善胆固醇和血压情况。 Recently, a foreign