Numerical simulation of the influences of sinker weight on the deformation and load of net of gravit

来源 :Acta Oceanologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ewt43grfdger
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A numerical model for determining fishing net configuration and load is developed, based on the lumped masses method. The model is used to analyze the influences on the net of gravity sea cage by different sinker weights in uniform flow. The net of gravity sea cage is simulated under different current velocities and sinker weights. In order to verify the validity of the numerical results, model test results made by Lader and Enerhaug are cited and compared with the numerical ones. The results of numerical simulation agree well with the experimental ones and the agreement is within an error range of 13% under different velocities and sinker weights. The numerical results indicate that increasing the sinker weight can effectively reduce the net deformation, but the total drag force on the net will increase accordingly. Results will give references for better knowledge of the hydrodynamic behavior of gravity sea cage. A numerical model for determining fishing net configuration and load is developed, based on the lumped masses method. The model is used to analyze the influences on the net of gravity sea cage by different sinker weights in uniform flow. The net of gravity sea cage is simulated under different current velocities and sinker weights. In order to verify the validity of the numerical results, model test results made by Lader and Enerhaug are cited and compared with the numerical ones. The results of numerical simulation agree well with the experimental ones and the agreement is within an error range of 13% under different velocities and sinker weights. The numerical results indicating that increasing the sinker weight can effectively effectively reduce the net deformation, but the total drag force on the net will increase accordingly. Results will give references for better knowledge of the hydrodynamic behavior of gravity sea cage.
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