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洪金渠首洞身降渗处理及环氧涂料对砼碳化的保护工艺1994年4月19日,在淮阴市洪金灌区管理所召开了洪金渠首加固工程水下验收现场会,省水利厅基建处,淮阴市水利局,有关专家及市县负责同志对洪泽湖大堤洪金渠首抗震加固水下工程进行了验收,与会者查阅了质检资料... Hongjinqu first hole infiltration treatment and epoxy coating of carbonation protection of concrete technology April 19, 1994, in Huaiyin City, Hong Jin irrigation management was held Hongjin canal reinforcement project underwater acceptance on-site meeting, the Provincial Department of Water Resources Infrastructure Department, Huaiyin City Water Conservancy Bureau, relevant experts and responsible comrades of cities and counties on the Hongze Lake embankment Hongjin canal seismic reinforcement underwater project was accepted, participants access to the quality inspection data ...
Based on observed data from field-testing embankment of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, ground-temperature controlling effect of duct-ventilated embankment is studi
Six pyrite samples from the giant Bayan Obo REE-Nb-Fe deposit are dated by Re-Os technique. Pyrite studied is associated with barite and separated from a vein c
恶性肿瘤严重危害人类的健康 ,其发生系多因素、多阶段、多基因异常累计的过程。基因异常主要表现为原癌基因活化 ,抑癌基因失活和DNA损伤修复基因的突变或丢失。目前 ,抑癌
多药耐药是白血病治疗中的一个难题,随着P- 糖蛋白(P—glycoprotein,P—gp)等肿瘤耐药蛋白的发现及相关调节剂在临床上的应用为复发及难治性白血病的治疗开辟了一个新的途径
The study area was designed and constructed, based on the simplification of a conceptual model, to develop a threedimensional groundwater flow model for simulat
政府兴办实事 治水福荫市民──流溪河灌区整治战鼓再度擂响正值"立秋"时分,广州市流溪河灌区整治工程再度拉开战幕,这是此项工程的第四期战役。广东省三大灌区之一的广州市流溪