
来源 :中国刑警学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kevinstudy
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在IIS日志文件中记录了黑客攻击网站的相关线索和违法网站的犯罪证据,研究海量IIS日志信息的自动分析方法对公安机关的侦查、办案工作有重要意义。结合具体实例研究了海量日志自动分析过程中面临的三个关键问题:不规则数据的去除方法;特定数据的定位和提取方法;UTF-8和Base64编码的解析方法,最后介绍了IIS日志自动分析软件的总体设计流程以及软件的测试情况,得出应用这款日志分析软件可以有效地完成海量日志自动分析工作的结论。 In the IIS log file records the clues of hacking websites and the criminal evidence of illegal websites. It is of great significance to study the automatic analysis method of massive IIS log information on the investigation and case handling of public security organs. In this paper, three key problems in the automatic analysis of mass log are studied with examples: irregular data removal method, specific data location and extraction method, UTF-8 and Base64 code analysis method, and finally the IIS log automatic analysis The overall design process of the software and the testing of the software, and concludes that the application of this log analysis software can effectively accomplish the automatic analysis of massive logs.
目的 探讨电按摩治疗视神经萎缩的效果及并发症的原因、结果及防治原则。方法 对行电按摩治疗的167例(279眼)视神经萎缩的病例资料进行回顾性总结分析分析其疗效及并发症。结果 167例(279眼)中,256眼视力及视野得到改善总有效率为91.76%,其中视神经炎性视神经萎缩的有效率为93.20%.术中术后并发症有术中黑矇、球后出血、眼内出血、复视、斜视、上睑下垂、顽固性眼痛及葡萄膜炎等8种。8种并发
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Continuous observation data collected over the whole year of 2004 on a cropland surface in Tongyu, a semi-arid area of northeastern China (44°25′N, 122°52′E
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
龙船的季节过去,稻谷就成熟了。紧接着,就是让人喘不过气来的农忙,收割、晒谷,让火一样的太阳把稻田烤得发白,然后牵来强壮有力的水牛,犁开水田, The season of dragon boat