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“要抓早抓小、防微杜渐,对反映党员干部的苗头性、倾向性问题,及时谈话提醒、诫勉、函询、教育,防止小错酿成大错。”今年年初,在第十八届中央纪委第二次全会上,中共中央政治局常委、中央纪委书记王岐山所作工作报告,对加强领导干部教育监督工作提出了明确要求,为进一步提高防治腐败工作水平指明了方向。 “We must seize the early warning of small and preventive measures and make mistakes in reflecting the signs and tendencies of party members and cadres, prompt reminders, admonitions, education, and prevention of minor mistakes.” "Earlier this year, at the 18th At the Second Plenary Session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the work report by Wang Qishan, member of the Political Bureau Standing Committee of the CPC Central Committee and secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, set forth clear requirements on stepping up education and supervision over leading cadres and pointed out the direction for further raising the level of prevention and control of corruption.
Hi,my name is Xu Sunjia.Today I want to introduce my family to you.There are three people in my family,my father,my mother and me.We likegoing out at weekends.W
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