Neighborhood topological effect on grain topology-size relationship in three-dimensional polycrystal

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guao_jie
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A new grain topology-size relationship in three-dimensional(3D)polycrystalline microstructures has recently been established by considering the effects of non-random first nearest neighbor grains.In this contribution,a generalized form for this relationship is presented by considering the interactions of kth(k=1,2,3…)nearest neighbor grains,and large scale Monte Carlo-Potts model simulation is used to investigate the general neighborhood topological effect on the topology-size relationship.The results show that,unlike their first nearest neighbors(k=1),the topological correlations of 3D grains with their kth layers(k 2)of nearest-neighbors may have trivial effect on the topology-size relationship. A new grain topology-size relationship in three-dimensional (3D) polycrystalline microstructures has recently been established by considering the effects of non-random first nearest neighbor grains. In this contribution, a generalized form for this relationship is presented by considering the interactions of kth (k = 1,2,3 ...) nearest neighbor grains, and large scale Monte Carlo-Potts model simulation is used to investigate the general neighborhood topological effect on the topology-size relationship.The results show that, unlike their first nearest neighbors (k = 1), the topological correlations of 3D grains with their kth layers (k 2) of nearest-neighbors may have a trivial effect on the topology-size relationship.
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