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详细报道了云南思茅菜阳河自然保护区的热带雨林植被.探讨了它的植物种类组成、群落结构和生物地理特点。菜阳河自然保护区的热带雨林具有与赤道地区的典型热带雨林类似的群落结构、生态外貌特征和植物区系组成.仍应是真正热带雨林的一个类型,是西双版沟谷季节雨林向北延伸、嵌入的部分。亦是滇南热带季节雨林群落的最北缘和海拔极限的类型。该热带季节雨林在性质上属于印度一马来西亚热带雨林的北缘部分。在发生和分布上受局部地形的影响和制约。菜阳河热带季节雨林的植物区系作为西双版纳热带雨林植物区系的北延部分、以热带成分占优势,带有明显印度一马来西亚植物区系特点.同时又具有明显热带边缘性质和植物地理过渡与交汇带特点。与西双版纳热带季节雨林相比,在菜阳河自然保护区的热带季节雨林中、典型热带雨林的一些成分已不存在或很少见.构成其热带雨林的上层树种中有一定比例的先锋成分、这意味着该热带季节雨林具有衍生性质,并暗示了滇南的热带季节雨林发生历史相对较晚.是在晚第三纪横断山隆升到一定高度。热带潮湿气候在局部生境形成以后发展起来的。 A detailed report of Yunnan Simao Caiyanghe Nature Reserve tropical rain forest vegetation. Its species composition, community structure and biogeographical characteristics were discussed. The tropical rain forest in Caiyanghe Nature Reserve has the similar community structure, ecological appearance and flora as the typical tropical rainforest in the equatorial regions. Should still be a true type of tropical rainforest, Xishuangbanna seasonal rainforest extends northward, embedded part. It is also the type of the most northern margin and altitude limit of the tropical seasonal rainforest in southern Yunnan. This tropical seasonal rain forest is qualitatively part of the northern margin of the Indian-Malaysian rainforest. In the occurrence and distribution by the local topographic impact and constraints. The flora of the tropical seasonal rainforest in Caiyanghe is the northern extension of the tropical rainforest flora in Xishuangbanna. Its tropic composition is predominant, with distinctly Indian-Malaysian flora characteristics. At the same time, it has obvious characteristics of tropical edge and plant geography transition and intercourse. Compared with the tropical seasonal rain forest in Xishuangbanna, some components of the typical rainforest are no longer present or rare in the tropical seasonal rain forest of Caiyanghe Nature Reserve. A percentage of pioneers in the upper tree species that make up its tropical rainforest means that the tropical seasonal rainforest has a derivative nature and suggests that the tropical seasonal rainforest in southern Yunnan has a relatively late history. Late Triassic Hengduan uplift to a certain height. Tropical humid climate developed after the formation of local habitat.
试验结果表明,40%格杀乳油750ml/hm2防治水稻螟虫、稻纵卷叶螟、稻苞虫,防效在73.66%~87.08%,优于长期使用的18%杀虫双水剂3 750ml/hm2和50%甲胺磷EC 1 500ml/hm2.
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亚热带北缘山区参园内 ,不同棚式中 ,以单透双畦高脊棚参棚的透射光中光合有效辐射含量最高 ,达49.0 8% ;不同遮荫材料中 ,以蓝色遮荫网加 PVC参用膜做遮荫材料的棚下光质环