
来源 :工程力学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yakataxxxx
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该文提出了一种获取压电陶瓷(PZT)传感器间Lamb波传递阻抗的方法,以实现对板结构裂纹的无基准快速检测。该方法从两组并排的PZT元件间提取包含Lamb波转换模式的损伤特征信号,对特征信号进行分类并求出其传递阻抗,通过比较传递阻抗的能量差异来判断裂纹是否存在。首先通过有限元仿真研究了裂纹导致的Lamb波模式转换现象以及PZT极化特性对各模式之间相对相位的影响,分析了所提出的方法的可行性;进一步通过在铝板上的实验验证了该方法的有效性。研究表明该文所提出的方法无需选择最优的激励频率和采样时间即可实现对裂纹的快速检测,具有较强的鲁棒性和适用性。 In this paper, a method of obtaining the Lamb wave transfer impedance between piezoelectric ceramic (PZT) sensors is proposed to achieve a non-benchmark fast detection of plate structure cracks. The method extracts the damage signature signals containing the Lamb wave transformation patterns from two adjacent PZT elements, classifies the characteristic signals and obtains the transfer impedances, and compares the energy differences of the transfer impedances to determine whether cracks exist. First of all, the influence of crack mode-induced Lamb wave mode conversion and PZT polarization on the relative phase between modes was studied by finite element simulation. The feasibility of the proposed method was analyzed. Furthermore, The effectiveness of the method. The research shows that the method proposed in this paper can detect the crack quickly without selecting the optimal excitation frequency and sampling time, and has strong robustness and applicability.
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