Adjusting the Parameters of PI Regulator in All-electrical Tank Gun Control System by Computer Progr

来源 :兵工学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aramis_Rose
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Both the traverse subsystem and the elevation subsystem of the all-electrical tank gun control system are composed of electrical drive control system respectively. The parameters of PI regulator in these electrical drive control systems affect the performance of the control system seriously. Up to now, there is not a simple and practical method for choosing regulator parameters, which are usually determined by repeated and continual readjustment. This method is low efficient, and the parameters got are not always optimal. A method for on-line adjusting the parameters of PI regulator in the electrical drive control system by computer program is introduced in this paper. The function of adjusting PI parameters of the electrical drive control system is realized by PC program written by VC+ + and controlling program written by assemble language and by the communication between PC and DSP completed by the control MSCOMM in VC+ +6.0. The method as mentioned above which is applied for an all-electrical tank gun control system under development is proved very available, a better performance might be obtained for the all-electrical tank gun control system easily.
The strong completeness of medium logic system is discussed. The following results are proved: medium propositional logic system MP and its extension MP * are s