Oil Strategies Benefits over Different Driving Cycles using Numerical Simulation

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:RedCandleCalmFire
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95 g/km is the allowed quantity of CO_2 emission normalized to NEDC to be set in 2020. In addition, NEDC will be replaced by more severe driving cycles and will be united worldwide. To respond to those criteria, automotive industries are working on every possible field. Thermal management has been proved to be effective in reducing fuel consumption. Cold start is a primordial reason of overconsumption, as the engine highest efficiency is at its optimal temperature. At cold start, the engine’s oil is at its lowest temperature and thus its higher viscosity level. A high viscosity oil generates more friction, which is one of the most important heat losses in the engine. In this paper, hot oil storage is studied. Numerical simulations on GT-suite model were done. The model consists of a 4-cylinder turbocharged Diesel engine using a storage volume of 1 liter of hot oil. Ambient temperature variation were taken into consideration as well as different driving cycles. Furthermore, different configurations of the thermal strategy(multifunction oil sump) were proposed and evaluated. Lubricant temperature and viscosity profiles are presented in the article as well as fuel consumption savings for different configurations, driving cycles and ambient temperatures. 95 g / km is the free volume of CO 2 emission normalized to NEDC to be set in 2020. In addition, NEDC will be replaced by more severe driving cycles and will be united worldwide. To respond to those criteria, automotive industries are working on every Cold start is a primordial reason of overconsumption, as the engine highest efficiency is at its optimal temperature. At cold start, the engine’s oil is at its lowest temperature, thus it’s one of the most important heat losses in the engine. In this paper, hot oil storage is studied. Numerical simulations on GT-suite model were done. The model consists of a, 4-cylinder turbocharged Diesel engine using a storage volume of 1 liter of hot oil. nfigurations of the thermal strategy (multifunction oil sump) were proposed and evaluated. Lubricant temperature and viscosity profiles are presented in the article as well as fuel consumption savings for different configurations, driving cycles and ambient temperatures.
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