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钢琴艺术指导不能简单得等同于钢琴伴奏,高校声乐教学离不开钢琴艺术指导。本文针对目前高校钢琴艺术指导的现状进行分析,指出构建职业素养要从理论知识、专业技能以及舞台修养等方面入手,并以“甘做绿叶”的精神为指引。 Piano art guidance can not be equated simply with the piano accompaniment, college vocal music teaching inseparable from the piano art direction. This article analyzes the current situation of piano art instruction in colleges and universities, and points out that the construction of professional accomplishments should be guided by the theoretical knowledge, professional skills and stage accomplishments, and with the spirit of “making green leaves”.
月季(Rosa chinensis jacq.)是中国名花,也是世界名花,深受世界各地人们的喜爱。随着我国人民物质生活水平的提高,月季成为最受人民喜爱的花卉而进入人们的生活,全国已有70余个城