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创新思维有赖于发散思维。发散思维是指考虑问题时,没有一定的思考方向,可以突破固有的知识结构和认识框架、自由思考、任意想象,从而获得大量的设想,提出多种多样的想法和做法。简单的说,发散思维是不依常规,寻求变异,从多方面寻求问题答案的思维方式。一般来说,设想愈多,发散愈大,创新出现的概率也愈大。可见,创新思维更多的是同发散思维结合在一起的,思维的创新水平更多的是通过思维的发散水平反映出来的。因此,为了更好地培养学生的创新思维能力,激发学生积极主动地创新,就必须充分重视学生发散思维能力的培养。 Innovative thinking depends on divergent thinking. Divergent thinking means that when thinking about a problem, it does not have a certain direction for thinking. It can break through the inherent knowledge structure and understanding framework, freely think and imagine, and thus obtain a great deal of ideas and come up with a variety of ideas and practices. Simply put, divergent thinking is unconventional, seeking variation, in many ways to find the answer to the problem of thinking. In general, the more you imagine, the greater the divergence, and the greater the probability of innovation occurring. Can be seen, more innovative thinking is combined with divergent thinking, thinking, more innovative level of thinking is reflected by the divergence. Therefore, in order to cultivate students ’ability of creative thinking better and stimulate students to actively and initiatively innovate, we must attach great importance to the cultivation of students’ divergent thinking ability.
Type 2 diabetes is a major, non-communicable disease with increasing prevalence at a global level. Therefore, in order to prevent this condition action should b
我参加了一场在大礼堂里举办的烹饪表演。节目的一个环节是,主持人把礼品送给诸如旅行最远的观众、结婚时间最长的夫妻等等。主持人举起一份礼品,问道:“这里有没有人婚姻维持了不到一个月的?”  起初,礼堂里鸦雀无声,接着后排有人喊道:“哪次?”
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英力士公司于2017年5月10日宣布,正在研究在欧洲建造丙烷脱氢(PDH)装置的计划。英力士集团总监Tom Crotty在伦敦化学工业协会主办的新闻发布会上表示:我们正在寻求建设可能的