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一、提高幼儿与教师的互动实效1.教师精心设计问题,通过有效提问引导积极互动《幼儿园教育指导纲要》(以下简称《纲要》)中指出:“教师应成为幼儿学习活动的支持者、合作者、引导者。”提问是推进活动顺利进行的重要手段之一,教师要积极探寻推动教师与幼儿积极互动,从而促进幼儿主动发展的提问策略。(1)根据幼儿的年龄特点设计问题对不同年龄段的幼儿,教师在活动前要对幼儿的已有经验做简单的了解,使设计的问题难易程度恰当、形式得当。 First, to improve the effectiveness of interaction between children and teachers 1. Teachers elaborate design issues and guide positive interaction through effective questions. “Kindergarten Education Guidance Outline” (hereinafter referred to as the “Outline”) states: “Teachers should become supporters of early childhood learning activities, Collaborators and facilitators. ”“ Questioning is one of the important means to promote the smooth progress of the activities. Teachers should actively explore questioning strategies that promote the active interaction between teachers and young children so as to promote the active development of young children. ” (1) According to the characteristics of children’s age design problems For children of different ages, teachers before the activities of children’s existing experience to do a simple understanding of the design of the problem is easy and appropriate, appropriate form.
该文就《普通物理》“力学”部分教材中与中学物理教材存在着大量的重复性内容 ,学时数过少 ,数学知识不够等问题 ,提出了提高认识、走出误区 ;精讲经典内容 ,提高讲授起点 ,
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