Frequency spectrum might act as communication code between retina and visual cortex Ⅰ

来源 :International Journal of Ophthalmology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jeep_lee
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AIM: To explore changes and possible communication relationship of local potential signals recorded simultaneously from retina and visual cortex I(V1).·METHODS: Fourteen C57BL/6J mice were measured with pattern electroretinogram(PERG) and pattern visually evoked potential(PVEP) and fast Fourier transform has been used to analyze the frequency components of those signals.· RESULTS: The amplitude of PERG and PVEP was measured at about 36.7 μV and 112.5 μV respectively and the dominant frequency of PERG and PVEP, however,stay unchanged and both signals do not have second, or otherwise, harmonic generation.· CONCLUSION: The results suggested that retina encodes visual information in the way of frequency spectrum and then transfers it to primary visual cortex.The primary visual cortex accepts and deciphers the input visual information coded from retina. Frequency spectrum may act as communication code between retina and V1. AIM: To explore changes and possible communication relationship of local potential signals recorded simultaneously from retina and visual cortex I (Vl). METHODS: Fourteen C57BL / 6J mice were measured with pattern electroretinogram (PERG) and pattern visually evoked potential (PVEP) and fast Fourier transform has been used to analyze the frequency components of those signals. RESULTS: The amplitude of PERG and PVEP was measured at about 36.7 μV and 112.5 μV respectively and the dominant frequency of PERG and PVEP, however, stay unchanged and both signals do not have second, or otherwise, harmonic generation. · CONCLUSION: The results suggested that retina encodes visual information in the way of frequency spectrum and then transfers it to primary visual cortex. the primary visual cortex accepts and deciphers the input visual information coded from retina. Frequency spectrum may act as communication code between retina and V1.
曹××男60岁住院号90267 自幼双眼上睑抬举困难,仰首视物,双眼向内下方偏斜,逐年加重,未经治疗,于90年7月21日入院。5年前左眼角膜溃疡失明,无外伤史;家族史:母亲内斜视。
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