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题目:从“捐款门”事件看我国慈善立法的不足与完善作者:杨帆出处:《金卡工程(经济与法)》2010年第9期汶川地震后,许多名人宣称要为地震灾区捐款,而后也纷纷践行了承诺。但不久前接连爆出章子怡、余秋雨等名人的“捐款门”事件,引起了强烈的社会反响。慈善是平衡社会分配的一种重要手段。但是,由于我国慈善文化氛围的缺乏和慈善法律制度的不完善,我国慈善事业的发展并不尽如人意。许多人对慈善机构还很不信任,媒体时有所报的“名人捐款门”等事件,更对公众的心理形成深度伤害。我们必须看到我国慈善立法的不足之所在,并且针对这些不足,借鉴国外的先进做法并结合我国实际国情对我国的慈善立法做出进一步的 Title: From “donations door ” event Shortcomings and Perfection of Charity Legislation: Yang Fan Source: “Golden Card Project (Economics and Law)” after the 2010 earthquake, No. 9, many celebrities claim to contributions to the earthquake-stricken area , Then have also implemented their promises. But not long ago a series of celebrity donations, such as Zhang Ziyi and Yu Qiuyu, broke out in the donation event, which aroused strong social repercussions. Charity is an important means to balance the distribution of society. However, due to the lack of philanthropic culture in our country and the imperfect legal system of charity, the development of philanthropy in our country is not satisfactory. Many people still do not trust charities, the media reported something like “celebrity donation door” and other incidents, and even further hurt public psychology. We must see the inadequacies of China’s charity legislation, and in view of these deficiencies, learn from the advanced practices abroad and China’s actual national conditions in accordance with China’s charity legislation to make further
2005年10月13日上午,随着彩炮声的响起,中共浙江省嘉善县县委书记高玲慧剪断了手中的红色绸带.在漫天飞舞的花絮与闪动的镁光中,一座投资1.6亿、建筑面积6 万平方米的县级科
风险投资(Venture capital)在我国是一个约定俗成的具有特定内涵的概念,实际上把它翻译成创业投资更为妥当.广义的风险投资泛指一切具有高风险,高潜在收益的投资;狭义的风险
成思危,全国人大常委会副委员长, 多年来一直孜孜不倦地倡导、推动我国风险投资的发展,并一直在台前幕后推动中国创业板市场的进程, 被业界亲切地称为“中国风险投资之父”.2