Adult adipose-derived stromal cells differentiate into neurons with normal electrophysiological func

来源 :Neural Regeneration Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:adfda
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β-mercaptoethanol was used to induce in vitro neuronal differentiation of adipose-derived stromal cells. Within an 8-hour period post-differentiation, the induced cells exhibited typical neuronal morphology, and expression of microtubule-associated protein 2 and neuron-specific enolase, which are markers of mature neurons, reached a peak at 5 hours. Specific organelle Nissl bodies of neurons were observed under transmission electron microscopy. Results of membrane potential showed that fluorescence intensity of cells was greater after 5 hours than adipose-derived stromal cells prior to induction. In addition, following stimulation with high-concentration potassium solution, fluorescence intensity increased. These experimental findings suggested that neurons differentiated from adipose-derived stromal cells and expressed mature K+ channels. In addition, following stimulation with high potassium solution, the membrane potential depolarized and fired an action potential, confirming that the induced cells possessed electrophysiological functions. β-mercaptoethanol was used to induce in vitro neuronal differentiation of adipose-derived stromal cells. Within an 8-hour period post-differentiation, the induced cells showed typical neuronal morphology, and expression of microtubule-associated protein 2 and neuron-specific enolase, Among the markers of mature neurons, reached a peak at 5 hours. Specific organelle of neurons were observed under transmission electron microscopy. Results of membrane potential showed that fluorescence intensity of cells was greater after 5 hours than adipose-derived stromal cells prior to In addition, the following stimulation with high-concentration potassium solution, fluorescence intensity increased. These additions were made in adipogenic-derived stromal cells and expressed mature K + channels. depolarized and fired an action potential, confirming that the induced cells possessed electrophysiological functions.
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