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自进入 2 1世纪以来 ,不少刑法学爱好者 (包括作者、编者、读者 )都有这样一种共识 :尽管目前出版的刑法学论著越来越多 ,但是那种读后让人眼睛为之一亮、精神为之一振的上乘佳作却越来越少。的确 ,只要我们稍微检视一下晚近以来中国刑法学研究的现状就不难发现它存在以下诸多问题 :( 1 )研究课题陈旧、雷同 ,研究者视野狭窄、急功近利。 ( 2 )研究方法单一、落后 ,定性分析的居多 ,定量分析的极少。除极少数学者外 ,大多数人都不知道或忽视借鉴其他学科先进的研究方法。 ( 3)论著缺乏理论深度。大多数刑法学论著满足于对法条的机械诠释 ,而且习惯于先分析个罪的构成要件 ,然后比较罪与非罪、此罪与彼罪界限的固定模式 ,对司法实践中急需解决的疑难问题却较少问津。 ( 4)理论研究的前瞻性不强。由于缺少超前研究 ,以致刑事立法的理论储备严重不足 ,司法解释太多、太滥和刑法典被架空、权威性下降就是其后果。 ( 5)研究行为缺乏规范性。由于缺乏规范性 ,刑法学研究虽然从表象上看似乎非常繁荣 ,但实际上积淀的观点与形成的共识并不多 ,因而大多数论著往往成为过眼烟云。上述问题的存在 ,足以说明中国刑法学需要反思和检讨 ,需要开拓和创新。为促进中国刑法学的中兴 ,本刊编辑部特邀请部分刑法学专家、学? Since entering the 21st century, many criminal law enthusiasts (including authors, editors, readers) have such a consensus: despite the growing number of criminal law books published, but the kind of reading that eye-catching Bright, the spirit of the fine masterpiece is less and less. Indeed, as long as we examine the status quo of China’s criminal law studies in recent years, we can easily find out that there are many problems as follows: (1) The research topics are outdated and similar, and researchers have narrow field of vision and quick success. (2) The research methods are single, backward, mostly in qualitative analysis, and few in quantitative analysis. With the exception of a small number of scholars, most people do not know or ignore the advanced research methods of other disciplines. (3) Theories lack the theoretical depth. Most of the articles of criminal law are satisfied with the mechanical interpretation of the law, and are accustomed to analyzing the constitutional elements of each crime first, then comparing the fixed pattern of the crime with the non-crime, the boundary of the crime and the crime, and the problems that need to be solved urgently in the judicial practice The problem is less care. (4) The prospective of theoretical research is not strong. Due to the lack of advanced research, there is a serious shortage of theoretical reserves for criminal legislation, too many judicial interpretations, too abusive and criminal code being emptied, and the declining authority is the consequence. (5) lack of normative research behavior. Due to the lack of normativity, criminal law studies seem to be very prosperous in appearance, but in fact there are not many accumulated views and formed consensus. Therefore, most of the treatises tend to be superficial. The existence of the above questions is enough to show that China’s criminal jurisprudence needs reflection and review and needs to be pioneed and innovated. To promote the resurgence of Chinese criminal law, our editorial department invites some criminal law experts and schools?
目的系统评价银杏达莫注射液联合倍他司汀治疗椎基底动脉供血不足性眩晕的疗效和安全性。方法计算机检索Cochrane图书馆、Web of Science、Medline、Embase、中国期刊全文数