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刘忠义,男,1965年8月24日生,中共党员,法学硕士。1985年毕业于黑龙江省警校,先后在鹤岗市公安局任片警、治安警、刑警、派出所副所长、分局刑警队副队长、市局刑警支队副队长、预审科长、分局副局长、市刑警支队长。2001年1月任黑龙江省公安厅刑警总队副总队长。刘忠义从警20年,破案1800起,抓获犯罪嫌疑人600名。先后荣立一等功2次,二等功4次,三等功5次。另获省优秀人民警察、优秀领导干部、十大杰出青年等荣誉称号数十次。 Liu Zhongyi, male, born August 24, 1965, member of the Communist Party of China, master of law. He graduated from the police academy in Heilongjiang province in 1985. He served successively as a police officer at Public Security Bureau of Hegang City. He served as Deputy Police Chief, Police Interpol, deputy director of police station, vice captain of Interpol, vice captain of Criminal Police Detachment, City Interpol detachment captain. 2001 January Heilongjiang Provincial Public Security Corps Corps deputy commander. Liu Zhongyi from police 20 years, solve 1800 cases, arrested 600 suspects. Has won the first class 2 times, second class 4 times, third class 5 times. Another provincial outstanding people's police, outstanding cadres, ten outstanding young honorary title dozens of times.
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N E5565 是飞利浦公司推出的集 P F C 与半桥驱动器于一体的电子镇流器控制器。本文介绍了它的内部结构、主要特征和功能,给出了典型应用电路。 The N E5565 is an electronic ballast