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2009年12月6日,一个令我悲痛,让我永远难忘的日子! 那天下午,天色灰朦,寒风凛冽,当我正想着何时再去医院探望恩师时,突然接到了恩师病危的消息,于是,我赶紧驱车前往中山医院。 14点我飞奔到病房,只见恩师躺在病床上,呼吸已十分困难,眼睛却始终努力地睁着。他似乎还在顽强地与病魔作着斗争,又似乎还有放心不下的案子想去完成。医生告诉我,依恩师的生命体症,最多还只能坚持一个多小时。 On December 6, 2009, a day that saddled me and let me never forget! In the afternoon, the sky was dulled and the wind was cold and cold. When I was thinking about when to go to the hospital to visit my teacher, I suddenly got the mentor’s critically ill News, so I quickly drove to Zhongshan Hospital. I flew to the ward at 14 o’clock, and I saw the teacher lay in bed, breathing has been very difficult, his eyes have always been hard to open. He seems to be still stubbornly struggling with the disease, it seems there are still cases of confidence to complete. The doctor told me that according to the teacher’s life symptom, can only up to more than an hour.
2000年3月20日 ,信息产业部正式发布实施电子行业标准《家庭影院用环绕声放大器通用规范》(SJ/T11217-2000)及《家庭影院用组合扬声器系统通用规范》(SJ/T11218 -2000)。为了规范家庭影院用环绕声放大器、多通道
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