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学生作为教育的客观主体必须具备基本的音乐素养和音乐鉴赏能力,具备基本的乐理知识,鲜活的学习发展观,可持续的情感、态度与价值观,同时音乐不仅仅是一门听艺术也是一门感情艺术,可以给现实世界的人们以美的享受和情感的历练,这就要求我们音乐教师必须提高我们的音乐课堂的教学效率,并采取有效的实施措施,课堂效率是衡量课堂教学实效性的重要指标,提高课堂效率旨在提高教育教学质量,那么如何来构建高效的音乐课堂有效实施是一个放在我们面前的重要课堂。本文,笔者将浅析高效课堂的构建和实施,以期对同行有所启迪。 As the objective subject of education, students must possess basic musical literacy and music appreciation skills, possess basic knowledge of music theory, a fresh learning development concept, sustainable emotions, attitudes and values, and music is not only an art but also an art The emotion art of the door can give people in the real world the enjoyment of beauty and the experience of emotion, which requires that our music teachers must improve the teaching efficiency of our music classroom and adopt effective implementation measures. The classroom efficiency is a measure of the effectiveness of classroom teaching Important indicators to improve the efficiency of the classroom aims to improve the quality of education and teaching, then how to build efficient music classroom effectively implemented is an important lesson in front of us. This article, I will analyze the construction and implementation of efficient classroom, with a view to enlightenment to peers.
目的:观察祛痰方、化瘀方和祛痰化瘀方对高脂饮食导致的apo E~(-/-)小鼠全身和主动脉血管局部免疫反应的影响。方法:12周龄雄性apo E~(-/-)小鼠给予高脂饮食,治疗组同时给予
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