
来源 :河北农业技术师范学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjzzhength
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除了采树品种遗传特性决定果实既定的品质外,在很大程度上也受到,如施肥、整形修剪、疏花疏果和采收日期等,各种栽培管理措施的影响。果树施给N、P、K、Ca等营养元素,会对果实品质产生不同的影响,这些元素的效应,不仅与其数量也与各元素之间的平衡有关。利用整形修剪增加树冠透光量,使树冠达到的透光面积愈大,产生优质果愈多。早期疏芽疏花可以节省树体养分,但疏果则有选优去劣的好处,而保留住有潜在能力的优质果。适期采收能在果实产量和品质上产生良好的效果,过早过晚采收果实,均造成色泽、肉质风味和耐贮性的降低,增加贮藏中的生理病害。 In addition to the genetic characteristics of tree species determine the quality of the fruit set, but also to a large extent, such as fertilization, plastic pruning, thinning and harvesting date and so on, the impact of various cultivation management measures. Fruit tree N, P, K, Ca and other nutrients, will have different effects on the quality of the fruit, the effect of these elements, not only with its number is also related to the balance between the various elements. The use of plastic trim to increase the amount of light through the crown, so that the greater the light transmission area of ​​the crown to produce more quality fruit more. Early buds thinning can save tree nutrients, but thinning has the advantages of superiority to bad, while retaining the potential to have high-quality fruit. Appropriate harvesting can produce good effect on the yield and quality of the fruit. Too early harvesting of fruits will result in the reduction of color, flavor and storability of the meat, and increase the physiological disease in storage.
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