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纸和纸板生产和消费水平,是一个国家和民族文明程度和现代化水平的重要标志之一。找省机制纸生产和人均水平,均低于全国平均水平。制浆完全依靠非木材原料,从而影响了产量和某些质量的提高。为实现全国2000年预计人均水平,十五年内约须增加三倍,除了充分利用我省产棉麦等优势外,尚须积极发展速生丰产林木制浆在党中央号召“义务植树,绿化袒国改善环境,造福子孙”的指引下,我省小术农部门人工培育上生丰产林—意杨.在江汉平原廿余县市已造片林其i也沐近百万亩,且已取得了农付业增加效益之利;有苗、栽培、防虫害等方面亦取得很多科研果,1990年后将年供百万m~3杨木;急须广开“用材”之道,杨木制浆可用多种工艺,能充分利用径材和幼时。是场术最可能和大量利用之途径建议从科学研究、定向店育、筹揩资金、消污染、增大经济效益、采用先进技术装备等方面考虑,宜集中建设大型纸浆厂.并须不失时机地速筹建工作,以免出现“卖杨树难”的情况,致挫伤农民植杨之积极性。兼促我省造纸工业能为国两个文明建设作出应有的贡献。 Paper and cardboard production and consumption levels, is one of the important symbols of the level of civilization and modernization of a country and nation. Find provincial mechanism of paper production and per capita level, lower than the national average. Pulping relies entirely on non-wood raw materials, thereby affecting yield and some quality improvements. In order to achieve the national average per capita requirement in 2000, it will have to tripled within 15 years. Apart from making full use of advantages such as producing cotton and wheat in our province, it is still necessary to actively develop fast-growing and high-yielding forest pulp. In the party Central Committee’s call for “voluntary tree planting, afforestation Improve the environment for the benefit of future generations, ”under the guidance of the small agricultural sector in our province artificial cultivation of high yield forest - Yeung Yang in the Jianghan Plain, more than 20 counties have made a film Lin its i Mu nearly million mu, and has made Agriculture and industry to increase the benefits of benefits; seedlings, cultivation, pest control and other aspects also made a lot of scientific research fruit, after 1990 will be for millions of m ~ 3 poplar; urgent need to open the “timber” way, poplar Pulp can be used a variety of processes, to take full advantage of diameter and early childhood. It is suggested that the most possible and extensive use of field techniques should focus on the construction of large-scale pulp mills from the aspects of scientific research, targeted education, raising funds, removing pollution, increasing economic benefits, adopting advanced technology and equipment, and so on. Speed ​​up the construction work, so as to avoid the “hard to sell poplar” situation, causing the enthusiasm of farmers to plant poplars. And promote the province’s paper industry can make due contributions to the two civilizations.
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