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我夫人床头有一宝,别人是很少有的,这就是刀片。说来吓人,不想自杀,放这干甚?原来她脚底皮肤细胞增殖特快,过十天半月就角质化了,妨碍行路,就得用刀片削去一层。倒不是这些老茧独钟于她的纤纤瘦足,恰恰相反,是她自己钟情于步行。别看她六十多岁的人了,走起路来,却是风风火火,一往直前,如冲锋,如救火,迅若流星,气吞山河。人家请她讲课,派车来接,若是两三站的路程,她总是谢绝,一来俭朴成性,二来见路心喜,脚趾动矣。尽管晚上回来难免累得添饭也得我来帮忙,十天半月就得用常备的刀片,削去特别发达的老皮,她却依然乐此不疲。一次,一位导演看中她的窈窕身材,拉她去做老年服装模特儿,她才悟到长年走路的功效:“有健才有美”。于是,她对走路益发来劲,退休以后,一天不走动,就觉得恍然若失;两天不走动,就觉得骨软筋酥;三天不走动,就觉腹部脂肪蠢蠢欲动了。她宁可在床头放个刀片,不时修理,也要有事没事找个由头,到外面甩开膀子,“驰骋”一番。有一次,我俩有事去拜访九十多岁的老画家李剑晨。他精神矍铄,思维敏捷,却步履艰难。他总结保持 My wife has a treasure bed, others are rare, this is the blade. To say scary, do not want to commit suicide, put this dry even? The original her skin cells proliferate extremity, after ten days and a half on the keratinized, obstructing the road, you have to use a blade to cut a layer. It is not these calluses alone in her slenderness, on the contrary, is her own love on foot. Do not look at her more than 60-year-old man, walking, it is hard-edged, go straight ahead, such as assault, such as fire fighting, Xunruo meteor, swallowing mountains and rivers. People ask her to lecture, send a car to pick up, if the two or three stops away, she always declined, a frugal nature, and secondly, see the road heart hi, toes move. Although it is inevitable that I will come back to help with my meal at night, it will take me a while to help me in ten days and a half. Once, a director fancy her scumbag body, pull her to do the old mannequin, she realized the effect of walking for many years: So, she was on the road to benefit the hard work, after retirement, one day do not move around, I feel suddenly see things gone; two days do not move around, I feel the bone is soft and crisp; three days without moving, I feel abdominal fat just around the corner. She would rather put a blade in the bed, from time to time to repair, but also something to find nothing by the head, to the outside throw off his arm, “ride ” some. Once, we were both going to visit Li Jianchen, a 90-year-old painter. He was shy, quick thinking, but struggling. He concluded to keep
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