
来源 :人民公安 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yshanhong
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2013年1月26日,春运第一天。下午4时,本是常规的日间客流小高潮时段。北京西站的10号高铁候车室,只坐着寥寥20几个旅客。乘坐G665次列车前往洛阳的李先生,以往只在电视上见识过人头攒动的春运景象,这一次的亲身经历,让他简直不敢相信自己的眼睛:“这真是春运第一天?”据统计,这一天北京西站共运送旅客15.5万人次,和去年超过16万的数据 January 26, 2013, the first day of Spring Festival. At 4 p.m., this is a routine daytime climactic period. Beijing West Railway Station on the 10th high-speed rail waiting room, sitting only a handful of 20 passengers. Take the G665 train to Luoyang, Mr. Lee, in the past only seen on television crowded Spring Festival scene, this time personal experience, so that he could not believe my eyes: This is really the first day of spring? Statistics show that on this day Beijing West Railway Station delivered a total of 155,000 passengers and more than 160,000 data last year
To investigate the effect of nitric oxide(NO)on the radiosensitivity of the tumor cell induced by irra- diation,cultured SMMC-7721 cells were pre-incubated with
随着生活水平的提高,美容已成为不少人的必修课。现代科技的发展,各种美容用品及美容手术层出 With the improvement of living standards, beauty has become a compulsor
OBJECTIVE To investigate the role of chronochemotherapy in the treatment of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). METHODS Sixty NPC patients were randomly designated
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SOS13 皮肤粗黑,化妆后犹如“挂霜”在寒冷干燥的冬季,皮肤容易干燥变粗。这时,皮肤黑的人若化妆不当,往往会给人一种“挂霜”的感觉,很不舒服。急救处方:首先用温水卸妆。
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