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目的分析选择性减胎术对双卵双胎之一胎出现并发症的治疗价值。方法对2007年度我院4例孕龄15-24周双卵双胎之一胎出现并发症选择性减胎术的临床资料和妊娠结局进行分析。结果4例中有两例孕龄较小,减灭之胎儿均位于双胎之偏上方位置,宫颈长度>30mm者均妊娠至足月.另两例孕龄较大,减灭之胎儿位于下方较低位置,宫颈长度≤30mm,分别于术后10天和5天难免流产。术后凝血功能无改变,结论1.选择性减胎术是双卵双胎之一出现并发症的有效治疗方法。术后妊娠结局与术前是否存在宫缩,胎膜早破及阴道流血,减灭之胎儿的位置及减龄,以及宫颈长度有关。 Objective To analyze the therapeutic value of selective abortion on the incidence of complications in one of the twins. Methods The clinical data and pregnancy outcomes of 4 patients with gestational age of 15-24 weeks of twins in our hospital during 2007 were retrospectively analyzed. Results In 4 cases, two cases of gestational age smaller, hypothyroidism fetus are located in the twins above the position of cervical length> 30mm were pregnant to full-term. The other two cases of gestational age larger, reduction of the fetus in the bottom Lower position, cervical length ≤ 30mm, respectively, in 10 days and 5 days after the inevitable abortion. No change of coagulation function after operation, Conclusion 1. The selective abortion is an effective treatment for complications of twins and twins. Postoperative pregnancy outcome and preoperative existence of contractions, premature rupture of membranes and vaginal bleeding, reduction in the location of the fetus and age, and cervical length.
介绍在新形势下戏曲信息资料的收集和查阅的新途径。 Introducing the new way of collecting and viewing the information of the opera in the new situation.
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目的评价以妇幼保健网络为基础的预防艾滋病母婴传播(Prevention of mother to child transmission,PMTCT)健康教育干预措施,对孕妇孕期艾滋病病毒(HIV)抗体检测率的影响。方