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目前,晋南地区的大部小麦已经成熟并开始收割,一九五五年度的小麦征收和统购工作将随之开始了。在小麦征收和统购工作开始之前,做好一切准备工作是十分重要的。而尤其重要的是通过各种适当的形式和有效的方法,结合农民的切身实践,把国家粮食统购统销的政策、办法向群众讲解清楚,并达到真正为群众所了解、所掌握,是更好地完成今年小麦征收和统购任务以及巩固粮食统购成果的前提条件。做好今年的小麦征收和统购工作是有很多有利条件的,这就是:经过两年多的时间,绝大多数农民已经从他们的切身实践中,越来越深刻的体验到粮食统购统销政策对国家对自己的好处,因而对国家的这一政策更加积极拥护。特别是在今年春季,全省经过贯彻粮食「定产、定购、定销」政策和最近整顿粮食统销的工作,广大农民群众在 At present, most of the wheat in the southern part of Jinnan has matured and started to be harvested. The 1958 wheat collection and unification will begin. It is important to do all the preparatory work before the start of the wheat expropriation and purchase. What is especially important is that it is better to explain the policies and measures of the State for the purchase and sale of grain through the masses in a variety of appropriate forms and effective methods in combination with the peasants’ own hands-on practice, and to make it clear to the public that they really understand and grasp the masses. To complete the task of wheat collection and purchase this year and to consolidate the preconditions for the achievement of the state’s food procurement. After two years of hard work, most farmers have learned from their own practice more and more deeply the policy on the state procurement and marketing of foodstuffs The country’s own benefits, and therefore more positive support for this national policy. Especially in spring this year, following the implementation of the policy of “production, ordering and sales of fixed food” and the recent consolidation of the unified marketing of foodstuffs in the province, the vast majority of peasant masses
“VSL SSI2 0 0 0无粘结钢绞线斜拉索成套新技术新产品”及“VSL预应力管道真空辅助压浆体系新技术新产品”,经安徽省经济贸易委员会委托安徽省交通厅于 2 0 0 3年 3月 2 2日
强夯法处理软基的施工工艺简便、快速有效、造价经济、质量可靠 ,在高速公路软基处理中能扬长避短 ,充分发挥其优越性。本文就信 (阳 )九 (里关 )高速公路工程采用强夯法处理
从政府执行力存在的问题出发,探讨了影响政府执行力的因素,并尝试提出了提高政府执行力的措施和方法。 Based on the existing problems in the execution of the governmen